SBUG CHRISTMAS PARTY – Thursday 28th November, starting at 6:00pm.
All members, partners and friends are welcome to attend the 2019 SBUG Christmas Party which will be held at the Cambewarra Estate Winery Restaurant, 520 Illaroo Road, Bangalee, just 230m west of Hockeys Lane.
The meal will include pre-dinner nibbles, mains, desserts and surprises for only $39 for members and $49 for non-members.
Please make payment into our SBUG Social Account;
Bendigo Bank: BSB 633000,
Account Name: Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group Inc.,
Account No: 156 821 456
Don’t forget to add your name in the payment reference box of the Electronic
Funds Transfer so we know who has paid.
For further details contact Anne Cornish on 0413 389 376 or Les 0477 902 590