Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group
Welcome to the Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group Incorporated (SBUG) website. SBUG is located in Nowra, NSW, Australia, and is affiliated with Bicycle New South Wales. This page provides an easy to use link to our ride calendar, today’s weather, cycling news, as well as, an easy format to contact us.
Ride Away!
Spending time outdoors and exploring natural space by bicycle is a potent remedy for many of life’s ills. Feeling the warmth of the day’s first light and seeing the rough edges of an un-designed landscape. Listening to the layered soundscapes of the wild and immersing in the birdsong. In no time at all the burdens of the human-modified environment fall away and a greater feeling of calm washes over.
Thomas Connell.

Cycling manufacturer Shimano issues global review of its cranksets after widespread reports of malfunction and injury
By Jade Toomey Canberra bike mechanic Stuart Carling says, given the number of reports of malfunctioned cranksets, the faulty equipment should have been recognised earlier.(ABC News: Jade Toomey) Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article...
Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group 25th Anniversary Silver Celebration
HOME / BICYCLE NSW NEWS • COMMUNITY / SHOALHAVEN BICYCLE USER GROUP … OCT 4, 2022 Members and friends of the Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group (BUG) came together at the Worrigee Sports Club on the 28th of September to celebrate 25 years of cycling memories. Special...
15% Discount on Bicycle NSW Membership
All members of a Bicycle NSW affiliated BUGs, including Shoalhaven BUG, are eligible for the BUG Membership discount on joining or renewing membership. To receive the discount a discount code is required when purchasing membership on the BNSW website. The discount...
Group Riding Hand Signals and Verbal Commands
Tips for Group Riding from Bicycle NSW
HOME / BICYCLE NSW NEWS • COMMUNITY • SAFETY GUIDES Riding in a group is an exciting experience and can lead to some amazing adventures! St George BUG has come up with some helpful hints to ensure everyone remains safe and has a fun time. Equipment Your bicycle...
Riding Two Abreast
30 May 2018 Cyclists often ride two abreast for a reason. It’s safer. It increases visibility and reduces the chances of being in an accident with a motor vehicle. Bicycle riders are one of the most vulnerable road users, and riding two abreast make them more...
Minimum Passing Distance – Update
In May 2018, after a 2 year trial, the Minimum Passing Distance became permanent law in NSW. Providing space when overtaking cyclists, is helping to protect our most vulnerable road users. What is the Minimum Passing Distance? When driving 60km/h and under, a...
Driver Education
NSW Parliamentary Inquiry – Driver Education, Training and Road Safety In February, Bicycle NSW along with 75 other bodies, made a submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry in to Driver Education, Training and Road Safety. You can read our submission on the NSW...
Increased Fines for Bicycle Offences
Bicycle Fines – More Education, less Big Stick. Bicycle NSW presents their position on the new fines for bicycle offences; Dear Members and Friends, Recently we discussed the mandatory Photo ID issue, and this elicited a great range of responses. Thank you for this....
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