NSW Parliamentary Inquiry – Driver Education, Training and Road Safety

Watch for cyclists sign In February, Bicycle NSW along with 75 other bodies, made a submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry in to Driver Education, Training and Road Safety. You can read our submission on the NSW Parliament Inquiry website. Our main recommendations were:
  • To include approved bicycle safety courses in the total training hours for Learners that count towards their logbook.
  • Driver Education be included as a compulsory part of the Year 10 PDHPE curriculum in NSW High Schools
  • Include a Vulnerable Road Users component in the Learner rules testing and practical examination
  • For NSW Drivers to undergo a computer based Rules test every 5 years which must include a Vulnerable Road Users component
  • A high priority be given to ongoing driver education through effective media campaigns
  • Transport infrastructure projects to include a component for the Positive Provision of Active Transport Infrastructure
  • The bicycle infrastructure component of the total transport infrastructure budget be raised to 5%
On May 22nd, we appeared alongside the Amy Gillett Foundation and the Australian Cycle Alliance, to present further to the inquiry on our recommendations and need for greater education across all road users. The topic has garnered significant media interest resulting in news articles and radio interviews. We spoke to 2HD Newcastle ahead of the hearing and discussed the proposal and the work our local affiliated BUG, Newcastle Cycleways Movement have been doing in pushing for the CycleSafe Network. We will continue to update our members and stakeholders as the outcomes from the Inquiry are made available.