Club Contacts
If you need any information concerning the Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group the following persons are the best people to contact. If you are looking to becoming a new member of the Shoalhaven BUG, our President can provide you with any information you will need. New riders are welcome to trial in three (3) rides before deciding whether they would like to join the Club. All riders, including trialing riders, MUST sign the Rides Registration Sheet. Our ride coordinator will be able to recommend some suitable rides to attend.
SBUG Committee and contacts for 2024/25:
- President – Peter Cassar: 0466 922 274
- Vice President – Michael Strachan: 0412 780 797
- Secretary – Bill Paterson: 0408 473 693
- Treasurer – John Penkaitis: 0412 361 611
- Membership Secretary – Wayne Beckenham: 0400 487 501
- Ride Coordinator – Verne Mutton: 0417 496 550
- Publicity Officer – Jim Florence: 0438 232 943
- General Committee – Ed Proudfoot: 0408 771 796
- General Committee – Richard Dwyer: 0414 268 999
- General Committee – Sharon Whittaker: 0410 714 869
SBUG Non-Committee contacts for 2024/25:
- Social Representative – Estelle Burgess: 0418 565 312
- Welfare Representative – Estelle Burgess: 0418 565 312
- Public Officer – Jim Florence: 0438 232 943
- Website Coordinator – Trish Cassar: 0490 132 290
- Stack Team App Administrator – John Wooster: 0412 301 379
- Master Ride Leader – Wayne Beckenham: 0400 487 501
- Master Ride Leader – Jim Florence: 0438 232 943
- Master Ride Leader – Richard Dwyer: 0414 268 999
Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group Patron: Tom McDonald 2007 to 2023
Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group Life Members: Tom McDonald, Jim Florence, Judi Puru, Peter Hewlett and Wayne Beckenham
Emails All email enquiries should be addressed to:
Correspondence All correspondence should be forwarded to:
The Secretary, Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group, 5 Callala Street, Callala Bay, NSW 2540
The BUG meets on the first Tuesday of every month except January in the Jack Elliott room at the Worrigee Sport Club, 131 Greenwell Point Road, Worrigee at 7:00pm. Members and non members are welcome to attend although only members may vote or hold office. Any items for the agenda should be emailed to by the previous Friday evening.
The Annual General Meeting is held on the first Tuesday of September in the Jack Elliott room at the Worrigee Sport Club, 131 Greenwell Point Road, Worrigee at 6:30pm, prior to the September Monthly meeting.