The monthly meeting of the Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group (SBUG) will be held 0n Wednesday night, 1 October in the Meeting Room, basement level, Nowra Library, Berry Street, Nowra, starting at 7:00 pm. All members and friends are welcome to attend.

Next Sunday, 5th October, Shoalhaven BUG are holding a Peddle, Paddle and BBQ day at Bangalee Reserve to celebrate the start of daylight saving. Riders will start at 9:00am from the Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra or North Nowra shops at 9:20am and ride to Bangalee Reserve. Non riders or members bringing water craft will meet at the reserve around 10:30 to enjoy water activities followed by a BBQ lunch. Bring along your own BBQ requirements, drinks and a salad or sweets to share. Contact Paul (02) 4446 1052.

Last Sunday six riders enjoyed the warm spring weather and magnificent views on the Bellawongarah to Cambewarra Lookout ride. One hardy cyclist rode to the start of the ride from his home in Worrigee, which included the climb up Cambewarra mountain. After a relaxing coffee at Cambewarra Lookout, whilst admiring the view, the riders returned to the start at Bellawongarah. The rider from Worrigee enjoyed the thrill and reward of riding down Cambewarra Mountain and home.

SBUG Rides for this week include:

THURSDAY – MIDWEEK MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE; 30 km return / Moderate pace / Medium difficulty / Some traffic / Unsealed roads / Mountain bikes are required. This week’s ride will start at 09:00am from the intersection of Jervis Bay Road and the Hyams Beach access road. The ride route will be decided on the day by the participants. Bring plenty of water and snack food. Coffee will be at Vincentia after ride. Contact: Rod: 0428 211 487

SATURDAY – FAST TRAINING RIDE TO GREENWELL POINT, RETURN; 40 km / Fast pace / for experienced cyclists. Starts at 7:00am from the Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra (Not an official BUG ride). The fast group usually ride as a rotating peloton. Contact: Rod 0428 211 487

SATURDAY – NOWRA TO GREENWELL POINT, RETURN; 40 km / Moderate pace / Medium difficulty / Some Traffic / The ride starts at 8:00am from the Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. Contact: Jim (02) 4423 2943

SATURDAY MORNING MEANDER: 15 to 20 km / Slow pace / Easy / Some traffic / Sealed roads / Starts at 8:00am from the Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. The ride route varies week to week and is chosen taking into account prevailing weather conditions on the day. The ride is always within the Nowra area. Contact: Tom (02) 4421 6719. Enjoy coffee and a chat at a local Cafe in Nowra after the rides. All welcome

MONDAY – NOWRA TO BERRY, RETURN; 50 km / Moderate pace / Some traffic. Starts at 9:00am from Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. A medium ride with a few small hills. Great scenery. Suitable for riders looking for a medium challenge. Always the option to take the train back. Coffee at a Cafe in Berry. Contact: Judi (02) 4421 5214.

WEDNESDAY – NOWRA TO COMERONG ISLAND FERRY, RETURN; 25 km return / Slow pace / Easy / Flat terrain / Some traffic / Suitable for beginners. Starts at 8:00am from Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. Contact Jim (02) 4423 2943.

Shoalhaven BUG welcomes all riders on their rides, children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Our monthly Ride Calendar and lots of information on cycling in Shoalhaven can be found on our website at