Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 5th November 2024
Meeting Opened: 7:00pm
Chair: Peter Cassar
Jim Florence, Michael Strachan, David Walker, Richard Dwyer, Trish Cassar, Dawn Chamberlain, Dennis Elford, Ed Proudfoot, John Penkaitis, Peter Cassar, Peter Lawrence, Warwick Mottram, Peter McLean, Kathy Beckenham, Gary Catt, Wayne Beckenham, Bill Paterson
Verne Mutton, Sharon Whittaker, Estelle Burgess, John Wooster
Previous Minutes Accepted
Motion that the previous minutes be accepted.
Proposed: Trish Cassar Seconded: Dawn Chamberlain Carried unanimously
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Christmas Party – Dawn has sent an email to members advising of time date and cost.
Social Secretary Position – to overcome the issue of Committee members needing to have membership of Bicycle NSW, a new position of Social Secretary was created, not requiring Bicycle NSW membership, and Estelle Burgess accepted the new role. Dawn Chamberlain has graciously offered to look after the position until the end of 2024.
- Peter McLean– Bicycle NSW – Advising there are currently two streams of active transport funding available to NSW Councils. – These are the NSW Get Active grants which close on 25th November, as well as the Federal Government Active Transport Fund which closes 13 Jan 2025. – So if there is a key local project opportunity which has been discussed but not funded then perhaps this is an opportunity to discuss with your local council. – Meeting Comment – the funding requires 50% contribution from Shoalhaven City Council (SCC) and council has restricted funding. The club is liaising with the SCC representative.
- Peter McLean– Bicycle NSW — Advising of a Ride Leaders Training Course in Sydney for Sunday 9th March. – Meeting Comment, SBUG can offer the same training at nil cost to members.
- Peter McLean– Bicycle NSW – Advising that there are 10% discounts for members attending the Sydney to Gong Charity Ride on 3rd November and the Bowral Classic Ride.
- Monique Ewen – Bicycle NSW – Update on Bicycle NSW’s #CouncillorForActiveTransport campaign – Meeting Comment – ED Proudfoot advised the meeting that 4 pledges were received from the current councillors and Clr Selena Clancy is interested in attending a meeting of SBUG to learn more about the group. Ed will continue to liaise with council.
- Michael Irving – Enquiry on the SBUG contact page, as to whether Shoalhaven BUG is involved in looking at cycling infrastructure around Nowra. – Replied to by P Cassar in the affirmative and inviting Michael to consider joining SBUG.
- Transport for NSW – An update on the project to repurpose the Old Nowra bridge – for further information see – Meeting Comment – Wayne Beckenham advised that SBUG had previously provided design comment on the project which had improved the design for cyclists. Action – Secretary to send Transport for NSW a letter reminding them of SBUG’s past involvement and offering to further review the proposed design.
- Michael Strachan to SCC – Jervis Bay Intersection project – cycling safety issues. – Meeting Comment – Michael Strachan has spoken with the project engineer regarding further safety issues with sign placement and he will continue to monitor the site situation.
- Michael Strachan – Requesting inclusion of SBUG in the “About St Georges Basin Magazine ” sporting club link.
- Peter Cassar – email to HMAS Albatross advising them of availability of grants and potential to upgrade cycle transport route Nowra to ALB.
Treasurer’s Financial Report – John Penkaitis
John advised that following a Committee meeting recommendation, he has transferred $2,000 of SBUG general funds to a term deposit account earning higher interest.
General Account Bendigo Bank Opening Balance at 01/10/2024 | $4232.87 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.03 | |
Previous period | 0.01 | |
Membership fees x 3 | 20.00 | 20.04 |
Funds Transferred | ||
20.04 | ||
Expenses: | ||
Filing fee | 56.00 | |
Deposit Xmas Party | 200.00 | -256.00 |
Funds Transferred | ||
To Term Deposit | 2000.00 | -2000 |
Current Balance at 31/9/2024 | $1996.91 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Opening Balance at 01/10/2024 | $294.90 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.00 | |
Karaoke Evening | 405.00 | |
Xmas Party (2 people) | 115.00 | |
Expenses: | ||
Karaoke Evening | 600.00 | |
Merchant fee | 9.60 | |
Current Balance at 30/09/2024 | $205.30 |
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial report be accepted.
Proposed: Gary Catt Seconded: Jim Florence Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain advised that;
- An email has been sent to members updating information on the Christmas party to be held at the Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club.
- The Karaoke Night went well.
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham advised that;
Currently we have 123 members for 2024/25 and there are 16 people who were members last year but
have not yet renewed. The SBUG email list has been amended to only include members who have paid
their fees for 2024/25.
Bicycle NSW has recently verified our list of members who have renewed membership of BNSW
this year. At the end of October, 65 members, or 50% of our SBUG membership are also members of
Website Co-ordinator’s Report – Trish Cassar advised that;
From Monday 7 October to Tuesday 5 November
- Average monthly page views; – 538
- Unique visits: – ` 476
- First time visits: – 419
- Returning visits; – 57
November already has 145 page views so far, showing that the website is still very valuable along with the Stack Team app.
Master RL Report – Wayne Beckenham advised that;
We are currently having ride leader meetings approximately every three months. November 22 was
scheduled for our next meeting but as some of our RLs will be away we have postponed the ride
leaders meeting until early next year, date to be decided. However, for those RLs who feel they need
more guidance with the Stack app we will have a Stack app refresher afternoon tea at the Tea Club on
Friday 22 November at 2:00pm
Stack Team App Report
- Last month there were 28 scheduled rides, 1 was cancelled.
- The most popular rides for the month were Bomaderry to Berry on 14 October (RL Jim Florence) and Blackbutt/Hellhole MTB ride on 3 October (RL Karen Davis).
- The most frequent rider for the month was Mel Gillot with 11 rides, then Jim Florence, Jan Van Duin, John Van Duin with 10 rides each.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence advised that;
- Weekly reports continue to be forwarded to all members via the Stack App and email, and a summary to the South Coast Register. Reports include a summary of the next week’s rides focusing on the Sunday and Thursday rides which change weekly, and a report on the previous week’s ride particularly the Thursday and Sunday rides, and any other news applicable to the BUG.
- A report of the last away rides to Myrtleford was sent to Bicycle NSW for inclusion in their newsletter but has yet to appear.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
- Verne intends to hold a meeting to decide on 2025 January to June Sunday rides for those ride leaders who do Sunday rides. The meeting will be on Friday 29th November at 2pm (duration 1hour) at the Mutton residence, 22 Ferntree Drive, Bomaderry. A proposed ride schedule will be supplied at the meeting for discussion. He will send an email to ride leaders.
Welfare Officer’s Report – On behalf of the club Peter Cassar passed on our sincere condolences to Bill Purdy and family for the recent passing of Shelly Purdy and thanked those members that attended Shelley’s funeral.
General Business
From the Committee Meeting for mention
- Constitution review and update is ongoing.
- AGM Election Process Review – the change of order of the meetings, with the General meeting first, then the AGM was approved by C/tee. Further discussion is happening on a more formal nomination process. the earlier timing of nominations and circulation of proposed nominees to members before the AGM.
- Social secretary and BNSW membership – agreement that a new non-committee position of Social Representative be created. This would allow for a volunteer to undertake the role without needing to have BNSW membership.
- Club Funds – the C/tee approved the Treasurer moving an amount of $2,000 to an account earning better interest.
Agenda items – Previous/Reporting
- Michael Strachan encouraged members to find out more about get involved in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven | Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plans | Have Your Say ( at
Agenda items – New
- Peter Cassar informed the meeting of ride events he has attended and recommends that members support.
- Beers and Gears – held on the October long weekend in Wagga – excellent event.
- Clark’s Gambit in the Milton, Ulladulla and Nelligen areas. – 40km and 100km rides on both Saturday and Sunday – all gravel and climbing involved.
- Bowral Classic – road riding. Unfortunately, this year’s ride was cancelled as the traffic management team got the date wrong.
- The meeting was advised of a charity “Bikes for Humanity” located at Moss Vale, who repair old bikes and ship them to Namibia, where they provide significant benefits. For more information, see the following link.
- Michael Strachan raised the issue of a Falls Rd Link cycleway project to connect the Highway to Woolamai Rd. He understood this may go as a report to council I the future. – Action – Peter Cassar to write to Shoalhaven City Council regarding a possible investigation report and the expected date it will go to council.
Safety – Peter Cassar emphasised the high risk of using a mobile phone while riding. He uses a Bluetooth headphone that allows the ability to answer calls without touching the phone.
Any Other business – Nil
Meeting Closed 7:52PM
Next Meeting: 7pm on 3rd December 2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Chair Signature………………………P Cassar………………………………………………….
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 1st October 2024
Meeting Opened: 7:00pm
Chair : Peter Cassar
Jim Florence, S. Whittaker, Michael Strachan, Nina Strachan, David Walker, Richard Dwyer, Trish Cassar, Dawn Chamberlain, John Wooster, John Webster, Dennis Elford, Mel Gillott, Ed Proudfoot, John Penkaitis, Peter Cassar, Bill Paterson
Wayne Beckenham, Kathy Beckenham, Keith Jay, Peter Hewlett
Previous Minutes Accepted
Motion that the previous minutes be accepted.
Proposed: Mel Gillott Seconded: Jim Florence Carried unanimously
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Bicycle NSW – Ride Leader Training Course in Sydney on 27/10/24, cost $75
SCC – Community Infrastructure Review – Council is undertaking a review of its 637 open space and community facilities to determine how they will be managed into the future. See Council’s website for more details.
Bicycle NSW – Draft Strategy feedback reminder
Michael Smith – membership enquiry – replied to by Wayne Beckenham
Transport for NSW – Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plans covering the Illawarra and Shoalhaven areas. Feedback requested. For further details see Comments close 29/11/24
SBUG – Meeting with Stephen Hodge Director National Advocacy – Peter Cassar met with Stephen Hodge in relation to grants for Active Transport
Treasurer’s Financial Report – John Penkaitis
General Account Bendigo Bank Opening Balance at 01/09/2024 | 4202.84 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.03 | |
Membership fees x 3 | 30.00 | |
30.04 | 4232.87 | |
Expenses: | ||
nil | 0.00 | |
Current Balance at 31/9/2024 | $4232.87 | |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Opening Balance at 01/09/2024 | 184.86 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.00 | |
Social function income | 155.00 | |
Expenses: | ||
Social function purchases | 44.96 | |
Current Balance at 30/09/2024 | $294.90 |
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial report be accepted.
Proposed: Dawn Chamberlain Seconded: Trish Cassar Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – presented by Dawn Chamberlain
- The Christmas party is to be held at the Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club. They are sending menu and prices. The Club booking cost is $200.
- Karaoke Night – 16 members interested and 6 have paid.
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham – no report available – member is an apology
Website Manager’s Report –Wayne Beckenham – no report available – member is an apology
Master RL Report – Wayne Beckenham – no report available – member is an apology
Stack Team app Report – John Wooster
- If a ride is cancelled can the ride leader please email asap Verne Mutton, Wayne Beckenham and John Wooster so that the Stack Team site and website can be updated.
- Please advise Verne Mutton, Wayne Beckenham and John Wooster if there are any errors in ride information.
- Members can sign in early on the Stack app, this helps the ride leader.
- Last month there were 36 rides, 3 were cancelled and there were 25 people on the most popular ride.
- Trish Cassar attended the most rides in the month.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
- Regular reports are being published weekly on the Stack app and in the South Coast Register.
- If you want to see a photo in the report, you need to click on it.
- Information on the Club’s away rides has been sent to Bicycle NSW.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
- No report provided
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
- No report provided
General Business
From the Committee Meeting for mention
We need a Social Secretary! The President raised the importance of obtaining someone to fill the position. After general discussion the President indicated he would speak privately with a potential candidate.
The President welcomed the new Committee Members, Bill Paterson, John Penkaitis and Sharon Whittaker.
Agenda items – Previous/Reporting
Agenda items – New
Woman’s exclusive ride program – Sharon Whittaker gave a general presentation on how the concept will work.
- Proposed to start in February 2025
- 2 rides per month on the 1st and 2nd
- The 1st Tuesday ride will an easy ride, with a full morning commitment.
- The 2nd Tuesday ride will be an off-road medium difficulty ride with a full morning commitment
- In a 6-month ride calendar period there will be 2 rides in each of the north, middle and southern Shoalhaven areas.
- There has been interest shown by non-members, which may foster new membership.
- There may be afternoon rides and potential social events.
Safety – The importance of using Hand and Verbal Signal when stopping in a group especially when stopping at traffic lights to cross – John Penkaitis led a discussion on the use of visual and hand signals that are appropriate when moving into a travel lane to safely get around parked cars. The Direction provided by the two Master Ride Leaders present was to ensure that signals should be made well in advance, be clear and unambiguous, and in compliance with standard traffic rules for lane changing.
Any Other business – Nil
Meeting Closed 7:45PM
Next Meeting: 7pm on 5th November 2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Chair Signature: P Cassar
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 3rd September 2024
Annual General Meeting Opened 7.00pm
Peter Cassar
Anne Cornish, Kathy Beckenham, Verne Mutton, Keith Jay, James Florence, Peter McLean, Peter Lawrence, Steve Pryn, Dennis Elford, Sharon Whittaker, Richard Dwyer, John Penkaitis, David Walker, Gary Catt, Mel Gillott, Bill Patterson, Trish Cassar, Dawn Chamberlain, Wayne Beckenham, John Wooster.
Les Cornish, Peter Hewlett, Michael Strachan, Ed Proudfoot, Julie Bourke, Estelle Burgess, Karen Davis, Naomi Spencer.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Dawn Chamberlain
Seconded: Vern Mutton
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
President’s Report – Peter Cassar
Another year gone! The 2023-2024 year has seen a small increase in membership but a considerable increase in Committee and Ride Leader business. The variation and scope of rides we offer continues to increase and I am pleased to report we now have more qualified Ride Leaders and a third Master Ride Reader. We have also provided training for the Illawarra Ramblers Ride Leaders, which is a first. Interestingly, this was born from a cry for help from their President. The Ramblers insurance company refused to cover the organisation if using E-Bikes on their rides. This is why they became another BNSW affiliated BUG and reaffirms and justifies our commitment to remain with BNSW.
The dedication and proactive nature of our Master Ride Leaders, Ride Leaders and Ride Coordinator is what makes this club so special. This for me is a constant source of admiration and I thank them for their dedication in these important roles. Currently the club rides all over the region, specifically being designed and delivered in a safe manner for all riding abilities.
It’s time again to look back at the preceding 12 months; We have introduced a Code of Conduct to protect the membership from unwanted or unacceptable behaviour. We have increased the quantity and variation of the rides with some fantastic organisation and co-ordination that has created some variety and challenging events. The monthly meetings have included cycling related guest speakers to try and encourage better attendance.
We had our annual Xmas Party which was an outstanding success. We received very favourable feedback primarily due to the live music organised by our departing Social Secretary. Dawn has done a great job during her tenure as Social Sec. This year’s Xmas Party will need support so join us for a fun night with likeminded people and an opportunity to shake a leg.
As a social bike club, we really need a proactive organised and passionate Social Sec, and I know we are going to miss Dawn’s enthusiasm for getting things like the social paddle days and other social events that have been so successful.
The multi-day, credit card, bike packing South Coast adventure for me was a highlight and identified that we really don’t have to travel too far to get into some of the best gravel riding in the State. Sharon did a great job of getting that off the ground and cleverly included a weekend of riding in Moruya at the end, to ensure inclusiveness of other members who didn’t fancy the distance or remote nature. These sorts of events support local communities struggling after fire, floods and COVID so we need to do more.
Our ride away to Canberra that was organised by Jan and Jon VD went off without a hitch and was enjoyed by all so a big thank you to them for organising that enjoyable event. What a difference riding in Canberra was, with dedicated cycling lanes and courteous drivers.
We had quite a few members turn 80 years old and what better way to celebrate than a highly supported turn out to the 80km birthday ride organised by Max. So popular in fact, that it caught us out creating a chaotic situation on the day. Who would have thought an 80km ride would have been so popular! We also had the resurrection of the SBUG 100km ride which historically used to be an annual event. Not as popular as the 80k but that’s probably my fault for riding too fast. Look out for the next one, next year it will be local and I encourage you to give it a go!
We also received an invite to assist the organisers of a local Clarks Gambit Gravel ride from the Milton Ulladulla Cycling Club which starts and finishes in Nelligen. Sharon, Graham Johns and I led the Short Course which was provided for families and beginners to enter the 40km gravel ride with the confidence to know help was on hand if required. Doing these sort of events raises the profile and reputation of the club, which can only be a good thing. We will be doing this again on the weekend of 26th & 27th Oct.
The popular bike maintenance course continues and has been joined by a MTB training course and six members successfully navigated obstacles both physical and mental to ride safer on uneven ground with confidence.
In the near future, Sharon has proposed, with Committee endorsement, an additional Tuesday ride consisting of an exclusive woman’s only ride and rides of greater distance on gravel. Jamie is proposing a Wednesday Night MTB ride in the dark! and yes you heard it here first. I know work is currently going on in the background by Ed to go back to Canberra but to do the entire Centenary Trail so look out for that next year. All of these rides will need your support so give them a go and report back. Your feedback is essential for us to gauge interest.
We have our trip to Myrtleford in a couple of weeks, which I guarantee is going to be a great riding event so get your name down if you haven’t done so already as accommodation is limited. Anne, Les and John have ensured the distance of the rides will be above average so an element of training may be required for those not used to riding further than 40km.
Of course, if you’re content with the way things are, that’s ok too and the staple rides will continue. It’s worth stating that as ever we value every member’s input, it’s your club and your contribution is what will ultimately make the club successful. What we need now is future thinking, audacious and dynamic Committee members to drive the club forward and challenge the status quo. This will include constitutional change to ensure it’s up to date with modern policies and procedures. If you’re that person, then I implore you to get yourself elected by getting nominated for a position.
The biggest change in the year was the introduction of the Stack Teams Application which now replaces the Ride Sheet. I cannot emphasise enough the amount of time and effort that has gone into making this work for the club. John and Wayne and all of the early testers really tackled the complex task with vigor but more importantly with a sensitivity to recognise that the introduction was going to cause some distress to the less tech savvy members. It’s worthy of note that co-ordinating the Stack Teams app requires a dedicated person to ensure it continues to run smoothly in the future. John has kindly volunteered to keep this going for us.
Jim, our Publications Officer and PR guru has done a fantastic job of badgering the ride leaders for content to ensure that not only the membership knows what’s going on but the entire BNSW membership and local community. This again raises our profile, improves our reputation and is very important work
This year is the last year as Secretary for John Wooster, and I would like to formally thank him for his exceptional work in the background as the unsung hero who keeps the wheels turning. His dedication, council and commitment has made my job easy, and I have really valued his input and moral courage to speak out when his President steps out of line, and yes, I have and did.
Anne Cornish is also stepping down as Treasurer after many years of sterling service. I look back fondly at the rebuke I received over authorising expenditure without consulting her, never again. Thank you, Anne, great job keeping us in the black and maintaining impeccable accounts on behalf of the club.
We have an approved Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) Bike Plan that is now on exhibition and open for public consultation as the Councils Active Transport Strategy 2024. Wayne did a fantastic job, collating the club’s formal response into this important document and has ensured we have input into the priorities for Council planning from a cycling perspective.
We challenged Transport NSW on the design of the new Nowra bridge active transport lane and got them to change the right of way, favouring the cyclist to improve safety. Again, this was Wayne not afraid to challenge a big organisation on behalf of all cyclists in the region.
Finally, it only remains for me to thank the outgoing Committee, Master Ride Leaders and all the Ride Leaders for all their hard work supporting the group and me as your President. If you have time or spare capacity, I ask you to get involved. You can nominate for a formal position or just help with organising a ride away. Assistance in club activities is always welcomed and you have opportunities to make a difference if you want to, it’s your club. Personally, I couldn’t do any of it without the support of my lovely wife Trish so, role on the rest of 24/25 and ride safe!
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/9/2023 | 3698.66 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.36 | |
Membership fees | 1480.27 | |
Transfer to correct a/c | 120.00 | |
Bike Tops | 100.00 | |
1700.63 | 5399.29 | |
Expenses: | ||
Welfare | 20.00 | |
Internet | 500.00 | |
Stationary | 56.98 | |
Service NSW | 54.00 | |
Donations | 105.50 | |
Transfer to correct a/c | 130.00 | |
Christmas Party Music | 200.00 | |
RL Course lunch | 130.00 | |
1196.48 | ||
Current Balance at 1/9/2024 | $4202.81 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/9/2023 | 294.85 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.04 | |
Xmas Party 53 x $50 | 2650.00 | |
P. McLean Xmas party $83 allowed for decorations | 17.00 | |
2667.04 | 2961.89 | |
Expenses: | ||
R/E Membership | 10.00 | |
55 x $49 Xmas Party | 2695.00 | |
7 x $5 Tablecloth Hire | 35.00 | |
ACT Ride away Chocs | 7.99 | |
29.04 | ||
2777.03 | ||
Current Balance at 1/9/2024 | $184.86 |
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial reports be accepted.
Proposed: Anne Cornish
Seconded: Dawn Chamberlain
Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
12/ 9/2023 A paddle to Minnamurra
15/10/2023 Progressive Potluck LUNCH @ Sharon Whittaker’s, Max Long & Bill Purdy’s
6/11/2023 Ride away to Canberra ACT
31/11/2023 Annual Christmas Dinner Party
26/ 1/2024 Australia Day BBQ Breakfast/Ride
8/3/2024 Moruya weekend away
20/ 4/2024 Pot Luck Dinner @ The Van Duin’s
19/ 6/2024 80 klm ride for 80 year olds birthdays
23/ 6/2024 Presidents 100klm ride
13/ 7/2024 Xmas in July Potluck dinner @ Dawn’s
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
Looking back at the last three (3) years of membership records SBUG membership has had a small increase each year.
In 2021/22 it was 115 members
In 2022/23 it was 121 members
Last year, 2023/24, the figure was 134 members and so far, this year we have 120 members with 19 members from last year yet to renew. Most years we see some members leave and others join, however since September 2023, we have had around 20 new members join our group.
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
The website usage statistics are showing that in the last twelve months we have had 210 visits to the website each week. This is a little higher than last year’s 148 visits, but it is expected that website visits will reduce in the future due to the fact that the Stack Team App is now our primary source for checking the ride calendar.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Ride Leader Reassessment
Some of our SBUG ride leaders were accredited by Bicycle NSW ride leader training as far back as 2005. In 2021 a new ride leader manual and training course was developed and twelve of our ride leaders were originally accredited under the new course.
In September and October 2023, following recommendations from BNSW Jim Florence and I developed a ride leader reassessment course consisting of short theory and ride leading assessments, for the nine ride leaders who were trained under the old course prior to 2021. All our ride leaders have now been reaccredited in accordance with the current BNSW training manual.
Ride leader training.
Another ride leader training course was held on Friday 21st June 2024. There were two SBUG ride leader trainees, Steve Pryn and Jamie Mathews and one SBUG master ride leader trainee, Richard Dwyer. At the request of Bicycle NSW, we also trained another three ride leaders from the newly formed Illawarra Ramblers BUG. All candidates completed the course and Richard Dwyer completed his master ride leader accreditation to join Jim and I as MRLs. We currently have twenty-two ride leaders including three master ride leaders. Congratulations to the new ride leaders and a big thankyou to the SBUG riders who volunteered their morning as group riders/actors on the assessment rides.
Ride Leader Meetings
We are currently having ride leader meetings approximately every three months. The meetings are a fairly informal get-together over coffee and an opportunity to discuss any issues encountered on rides or suggestions for improving our ride leading. At the last two meetings we have also included some training on the use of our new online ride registration system, the Stack Team App. Thanks to John Wooster for his dedication in refining the Stack Team App system to suit our needs and providing training for our members.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Reports are still going out to the membership on a weekly basis and is included in the online version of the South Coast Register weekly. The report consists of reports on the previous Thursday and Sunday rides, and also includes other rides if something of interest has occurred, and details of the next Thursday and Sunday rides. Other things of interest such as reminders of meetings, and safety tips are also included. Photos of the previous week’s ride are included, and often historic photos are included.
This year reports were also sent to Bicycle NSW for inclusion in their newsletter, including details of our ride leader training, our century ride, and our Nerriga / Moruya away trip. I’d like to thank the ride leaders and others who sent me reports and photos. Your efforts are appreciated.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
- My thanks go to the Ride Leaders with whom communication has been well coordinated. They have been encouraged to use text or other media so that ride information is not mislaid. There has been a smooth transition to using the Stack App.
- A meeting to organise 6 months of Sunday rides was held at the Mutton residence on Friday the 7th June and rides entered in Stack until Christmas. A similar meeting will be held in November.
- Ride descriptions have been entered into Stack to the end of October. Ride entries in Stack will be completed shortly up to Christmas.
- Ride entries for Thursday MTB rides will continue to be entered on a weekly basis.
- There are now rosters for Ride Leaders on Wednesday and Saturday rides with a proposed Tuesday ride spreading the workload more effectively among Ride Leaders.
- A ride coordinators job description is on the agenda.
- The Ride Coordinator has and will attend Ride Leader’s meetings.
- Helped Wayne and Jim on Ride Leader assessments (great acting) on Friday 21st June.
- ONE OFF UNSCHEDULED RIDE PROPOSALS (except Sunday rides) will be forwarded to the Ride Coordinator to be actioned under proposed GUIDELINES.
I would be happy to perform the ride coordinator’s role if elected.
Wishing the newly elected committee all the very best for happy and safe riding next year.
Stack Team App Report – John Wooster
There were discussions last year about the need for an electronic sign on system. After some research and advice from one of our members based in Canberra, we found that Pedal Power used the Stack Team App as the only method of signing on to a ride. In February Wayne Beckenham and I set about investigating how we could best adapt the app for our use. In April we were ready for a limited trial of Stack, inviting committee members to download the app and join the app and play with it, to get a feel for its functionality and assess if it fulfilled our needs. At the May monthly meeting, a demonstration of the app was shown to those present and soon after all members were sent guides for downloading and using the app and invited to join.
Less than 3 months later by the end of July we had ceased using the paper sign on sheet with the whole process being handled by the Stack Team app.
Some of the Advantages
- Members can sign on to a ride days ahead
- We can easily retrieve statistical information on rider numbers etc.
- RLs can access all rider information required in an emergency
- Quicker and easier sign on process
We now have members adding pictures to the gallery, using the Chat room and Jim Florence is now putting together the weekly Newsletter in the app and sending it out.
I think we can say it has been an overwhelming success, and it should be said that Wayne and I had quite a bit of NERDY fun in the build process.
The SBUG website Ride calendar is now synched to the Stack Team App Event calendar. The website ride calendar may at times be a bit slow to update, so the app calendar should be your first point of reference.
On a personal note, I will not be restanding for the Secretary position. After 7 years someone else should put their tilt on the job.
It’s been a fulfilling experience, and I thank those who have helped me. I hope I’ve had a positive influence on the club. I’ve made quite a few friends in the club in that time, it’s what you’d expect from a social club with pedals. Thank you.
Membership Fees – The president reported that the committee recommends that the annual membership fees remain unchanged at $10 pa. There were no objections.
The president declared all committee positions vacant and appointed John Wooster as Returning Officer to conduct committee elections.
Election of Office Bearers | ||||
Office | Nominee | Nominator | Seconder | RESULT |
President | Peter Cassar | Keith Jay | Verne Mutton | Peter Cassar declared unopposed |
Vice President | Michael Strachan | Verne Mutton | David Walker | Michael Strachan declared unopposed |
Secretary |
Keith Jay Bill Paterson |
Jim Florence Peter Cassar |
Peter McLean Wayne Beckenham |
Bill Paterson declared after a secret ballot |
Membership Secretary | Wayne Beckenham | Anne Cornish | Jim Florence | Wayne Beckenham declared unopposed |
Treasurer | John Penkaitis | Jim Florence | Keith Jay | John Penkaitis declared unopposed |
Publicity Officer | Jim Florence | Anne Cornish | Keith Jay | Jim Florence declared unopposed |
Ride Co-ordinator | Verne Mutton | Keith Jay | Jim Florence | Verne Mutton declared unopposed |
Social Co-ordinator | nil | |||
Ordinary Committee |
Richard Dwyer Jamie Mathew Ed Proudfoot Sharon Whittaker Dawn Chamberlain |
Sharon Whittaker Jim Florence Perter Lawrence Peter Cassar Anne Cornish |
Verne Mutton Gary Catt John Penkaitis Anne Cornish Jim Florence |
Richard Dwyer, Sharon Whittaker and Ed Proudfoot declared after a secret ballot |
John Wooster verified all the results and invited President Peter Cassar to take the chair. Peter congratulated the new committee members and thanked all for coming.
Meeting closed at 7.45pm.
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 3rd September 2024
General Meeting Opened 6.30 pm
Peter Cassar
Anne Cornish, Kathy Beckenham, Verne Mutton, Keith Jay, James Florence, Peter McLean, Peter Lawrence, Steve Pryn, Dennis Elford, Sharon Whittaker, Richard Dwyer, John Penkaitis, David Walker, Gary Catt, Mel Gillott, Bill Patterson, Trish Cassar, Dawn Chamberlain, Wayne Beckenham, John Wooster.
Les Cornish, Peter Hewlett, Michael Strachan, Ed Proudfoot, Julie Bourke, Estelle Burgess, Karen Davis, Naomi Spencer.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Peter McLean
Seconded: Verne Mutton
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email from BNSW re Can you help us find more #CouncillorsForActiveTransport?
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 31/7/2024 | 4132.77 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.04 | |
Membership fees x 7 | 70.00 | |
70.04 | 4202.81 | |
Expenses: | ||
nil | 0.00 | |
Current Balance at 31/8/2024 | $4202.81 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 31/7/2024 | 184.85 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.00 | |
Expenses: | ||
0.00 | ||
Current Balance at | $184.85 |
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial report be accepted.
Proposed: Dawn Chamberlain
Seconded: Jim Florence
Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
Refer AGM
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
Refer AGM
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
Refer AGM
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Refer AGM
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Refer AGM
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
Refer AGM
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
Tom is making slow progress and has returned home.
Michael is having surgery this week.
Stack Team App Report – John Wooster
In August there were 30 scheduled rides with 8 cancelled due to the weather.
Most attended rides, 17 attended on Aug-08-2024 WORRIGEE TO CALLALA BAY AND RETURN – RL: Dick Dwyer and 17 attended on Aug-15-2024 J B CIRCUIT ANTICLOCKWISE- R.L Stephen Pryn
Most oftenest rider – 10 rides Jan Van Duin, 9 rides John Van Duin, Jim Florence and Peter McLean
General Business
Safety – PC talked about bike lights. There are two types, lights that warn others of a riders presence and lights to illuminate a riders path. The latter need to be 250 to 400 lumens.
One off Scheduled rides – A guide for organising these has been devised by Jim Florence and is available for all to see on the website.
Meeting Closed at 7pm
Next Meeting: 7pm on 1/10/2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 6th August 2024
Presentation by Guest Speaker:
Indian Pacific Wheels Ride; Prior to the meeting, commencing at 1830,
Guest Speaker Kerwyn Ballico gave a very interesting, informative, and
at times humorous talk on his unsupported rides from Freemantle to
Sydney as part of the annual Indian Pacific Wheels ride. Kerwyn is
continuing his cycling adventures and in 10 days time will be tackling the
historic Savannah Way from Darwin to Cairns.
Meeting start:
The monthly meeting started after the talk at 1952.
Steve Pryn, Denis Elford, Graham Johns, Jamie Mathew, Jane Mathew,
Peter Southgate, Trish Cassar, Peter Cassar, Peter McLean, Keith Jay,
Kerwyn Ballico, Wayne Beckenham, Kathy Beckenham, Mel Gillott, Dick
Dwyer, Joe Nethery, Nina Strachan, Michael Strachan, Gary Catt, David
Sharon Whittaker, Anne Cornish, John Wooster, Barry Cruwys.
Previous minutes:
Previous minutes were read by the President. Accepted by Wayne
Treasurer’s Report:
Opening Balance $3992.74.
Membership renewals $280
Interest $0.03
Reimbursment for C. Church (paid membership twice) $10
Reimbursment to W. Beckenham for Ride Leader course catering – $130
Closing Balance $4132.77
Social Co-ordinator’s report:
Christmas in July was held at Dawn’s home on 13th July. A carol was
sung (with actions), poems were recited and a few stories told. Thank
you to all who participated to make it an enjoyable night. A special thank
you to Karen who was too sick to attend but made sure her delicious
trifle was delivered.
Shoalhaven Heads Bowlo has been approached for our Christmas
Party, unless anyone has other suggestions. The 12th and 19th
December are available dates. (A show of hands was called for to
choose the date and the majority was for the 19th)
Membership Secretary Report:
Membership renewals for 2024/25 were due on 1st July. 115 people
have renewed their membership so far and there are 21 who were
members last year but have not yet renewed. If you haven’t yet
renewed, do so by paying $10 into the SBUG General account.
Remember to put your name into the reference box so we know who has
paid. The SBUG Gmail list has been amended to only include members
who have paid their fees for 2024/25.
Master Ride Leader Report:
Ride leader training.
After our ride leader training held on Friday 21st June, all five candidates
have successfully completed all modules of the course and have
received their certificates. Our two new SBUG ride leaders are Steve
Pryn and Jamie Mathew. The other three, from the newly formed
Illawarra Ramblers BUG, are Phil Prentice, Peter Aubourg and Rudy
Drmota. In addition, Richard Dwyer completed his master ride leader
accreditation and joins Wayne and Jim as SBUG MRLs. Congratulations
to all the new ride leaders.
Next Ride Leader Meeting
The next 3 monthly ride leader meeting is scheduled for Friday 23rd
August 2024. All ride leaders are welcome to attend the meeting and
get-together over coffee and cake. The meeting will start at 1:00pm
sharp, at the “Three Pots Café” (formerly the Tin Shed) in the Pleasant
Way, Nowra. The cafe at closes 2:00pm so come early to order food and
drinks as the meeting will start at 1:00pm.
Publicity Officer’s report:
Weekly reports are still being sent to the South Coast Register and all
members. The report is now being included in the news section of the
Stack App. Members who do not have the Stack app are still getting
emails, however this will change when all members are signed up to the
Stack app. It’s been noted that there was a report on the SBUG activities
again in the BNSW newsletter, however it was a repeat of last month.
Ride Co-ordinator’s report:
- Communication with Ride Leaders with respect to the ride
calendar has been excellent.
- A meeting to organise 6 months of Sunday rides was held at the
Mutton residence on Friday June 7th. The Sunday ride descriptions
have been updated in Stack to Christmas.
- Ride descriptions have been entered to Stack to the end of
- Helped Wayne and Jim on Ride Leader assessments (great
acting) on Friday 21st June.
- Will need to enter ride descriptions for the 3 day Myrtleford visit
Welfare Officer’s Report:
Peter Lawrence is out of hospital and stabilized at the moment. He was
in for a month due to high calcium in his blood, a side effect of his
medication. Tom is in Berry and rehab is progressing well. He is in good
spirits. Les was to drop off signed cards for both but not sure if this
happened. They were signed at the Christmas in July dinner.
Ride Leader and Master Ride Leader certificates:
The President presented Ride Leader certificates to Steve Pryn and
Jamie Mathew, and a Master Ride Leader Certificate to Dick Dwyer.
Stack Team app report:
Weekly media report – Jim is now duplicating the weekly media report
into the stack news section. When this is posted in stack a notification is
sent via the app to all members and the report can be read in the app.
An email also gets sent to all. The email has the report embedded in it
but only displays one photo. If you click on the photo it will be re directed
to the website where all photos in the report can be viewed.
Notifications – A lot of members seem to have turned off notifications on
the app. Probably when the app was first loaded you said NO. It is
probably better if notifications are left on, then notifications will be
received for ride cancellations, news, postings etc.
When you first open then app there are four menu items at the bottom of
the screen. Notifications is the third item and this is where all
notifications are displayed. If you wish to change your preferences,
select the fourth menu item Settings, and then preferences and
notifications. Full admin can see whether you have notifications turned
Note that you can also set Notifications in your phone, or at least in an
IPhone I know you can, I assume android phones have similar settings.
On the iPhone select Settings, Notifications and then you get a list of all
apps on the phone, select the Stack Team app, and make your choices.
Attendance Report:
No of scheduled rides 28.
Cancelled rides 3
Most popular ride – Seventeen attended on Thursday 25th July,
Blackbutt Range, Parma, Hell Hole and Sandy Creek circuit. – RL
Richard Dwyer.
Most oftenest (sic) riders – John Van Duin and Ed Proudfoot 12, Jan
Van Duin, Jim Florence and John Wooster 11.
No safety issues from those present.
Proposal for a new weekly SBUG ride:
Sharon Whittaker is proposing a new regular trail/MTB/hybrid Tuesday
ride. The proposal is for two per month as a women’s only ride, and the
other two a mixed ride. Sharon has presented a detailed report on her
proposal including detailed rationale for the Tuesday ride and for the
women only rides. Her proposal will be considered at the next committee
meeting and was read out to the members present. There was no
negative comment from those present.
Clarkes Gambit Gravel ride:
The President advised of gravel rides being held over 26 – 27th October
in the Nelligen area. There are 40, 50, and 100km routes. Entries close
12th July. Check out Clarks Gambit 2024 Gravel Ride Nelligen NSW –
Graveleur website for more details.
AGM next month:
The President reminded the meeting that next month is the AGM, and
encouraged anyone who wants to be on the committee to put their hand
up, and think about, and talk to, anyone they’d like to nominate.
There being no further business the meeting closed. The next meeting
will be the AGM commencing at 1830 at the Worrigee Sport’s club Jack
Elliott meeting room, followed by the monthly general meeting.
James Florence
Acting Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 2nd July 2024
General Meeting Opened 7.00pm
Peter Cassar
Anne Cornish, Kathy Beckenham, Les Cornish, Peter McLean, Dennis Elford, James Florence, Karen Corr, Ed Proudfoot, Mel Gillott, Trish Cassar, Julie Bourke, Wayne Beckenham, Ron Lukin, Bev Lukin, John Wooster.
Dawn Chamberlain, Richard Dwyer, Peter Hewlett, Michael Strachan, Nina Strachan, Max Long.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Peter McLean
Seconded: Kathy Beckenham
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email from BNSW Cambewarra Village Shared Path proposal
Julie’s response to BNSW regarding Nowra Bypass consult
Email from Antonio Corral
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 31/5/24 | $3,282.71 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.03 | |
22/6/24 Illawarra rambler’s ride leader course | 100.00 | |
Membership fees x 86 | 860.00 | |
960.03 | 4242.74 | |
Expenses: | ||
John Vagg Website update | 250.00 | |
Current Balance at 30/6/24 | $3992.74 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 31/5/2024 | 184.85 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.01 | |
Membership payment | 10.00 | |
10.01 | 194.86 | |
Expenses: | ||
Transfer Membership payment to General A/c | 10.00 | |
Current Balance at 30/6/2024 | $184.86 |
Motion: That the Treasurers financial report be accepted.
Proposed: Peter McLean, Seconded: Jim Florence, Carried unanimously.
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
2 epic rides were held this month 80 kms & 100 kms well done to all who participated.
A potluck dinner is to be held on Saturday 13th July at Dawn’s.
Wear some tinsel to celebrate Christmas in July.
I will send an email closer to the date with details, such as address etc.
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
Membership renewals are now due for 2024/25. Of the 134 members last year, 88 have already renewed their membership. If you haven’t yet renewed, do so by paying $10 into the SBUG General account. Remember to put your name into the reference box so we know who has paid. In the next few weeks, the SBUG email list will be amended to only include members who have paid. To ensure you receive weekly rides update emails or other information from the committee, please renew as soon as possible.
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
The SBUG website ride calendar has now been synchronised with the Stack Team App events calendar so that when entries or amendments are made in the Stack calendar, they will automatically flow through to the website calendar. The website calendar only displays future rides for approximately three months ahead of the current date, but the Stack calendar shows all our rides. Both the calendars are viewable by the public via the internet but only members of Stack can register for rides using the Stack Team App. Most riders will probably use the new Stack calendar as it allows people to check out the ride details and register for a ride at the same time.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Ride leader training.
A ride leader training morning was held on Friday 21st June. There were two SBUG ride leader candidates and three from the newly formed Illawarra Ramblers BUG. All candidates completed the theory session and practical ride assessments, they only need to complete a co-led group ride with a MRL to complete their accreditation. A big thanks to the SBUG riders who volunteered their morning as group riders/actors on the assessment rides, everyone performed their roles very well.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Weekly reports are continuing to the membership and the South Coast Register. I have just sent a newsletter to Bicycle NSW for inclusion in their next newsletter. Subjects included our over eighties 80KM ride, the revival of our annual 100 km ride, and recent ride leader training.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
General Business
Falls Rd access – PC reports that we received a reply from SCC stating that this was a low priority and they other 290 projects and no funding. MS reports that he received a reply from Councillor Ell stating he would bring it to council meeting.
Stack Team App update. JW. – 77.9% now signed up.
We’re now adding the ride leader’s name to the event title. That way the RL is identified in the attendance report, so it’s important that a late change in ride leader be reported to Verne, Wayne or John.
Some people are still not completing the sign on procedure correctly. Make sure you have a green YES after you have signed on.
As Wayne reported the website calendar is now synched to the Stack Event Calendar so the website may look a little different. There is a limit (100) to the number of events that can be synched. That equates to about three months worth. There is some lag in the synchronisation of the calendars of 4 to 5 hours. This means that the Ride Cancellations may not show up in the Website ride calendar for a while, so the Stack Event Calendar is the gospel. All ride cancellations should be reported to Verne, Wayne and John.
Attendance report – not exactly accurate this month, as not all rides have been fully Stack handled.
No. of scheduled rides = 29, Cancelled rides = 7
Most popular ride = 29 attended the 80th celebration ride, 19 attended the Hyams Beach intersection to Stoney Creek Ride on Jun 13, and 16 attended the Monday Berry Ride 17th and 24th.
Most oftenest riders were John van Duin and Jim Florence both on 11 rides.
Helmet Donation – Max Long has proposed that we buy cycling helmets to donate for distribution to Bomaderry PS. We have done this in the past and it was questionable if it was a worthwhile project. The feeling was not to proceed.
MTB Training and Maintenance Day reminder for this weekend. Two places still available. See PC.
Incident Report Form. – WB advises that the form has been updated and is available on the Stack Team App under the Documents button and on the website.
Safety PC – When approaching a lip on the road such as on a driveway, a rider should always line up at an angle of greater than 45 degrees.
Scan the trail ahead
Emergency phone numbers should be kept up to date. During a recent incident we were unable to reach the Emergency contact because the wrong number had been supplied. The emergency numbers that a member provides is listed in the Stack Team App on your Membership Entry card. Please check that this info is correct and email Wayne if it needs updating.
President’s 100km ride presentation.
Certificates awarded to Bev Lukin, Ron Lukin and Ed Proudfoot. Peter Hewlett and Sharon Whittaker will also be presented.
7.52pm close
Next Meeting: 7pm on 6th August 2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 4th June 2024
General Meeting Opened 7.00pm
Peter Cassar
Wayne Beckenham, Trish Cassar, Jan Van Duin, John Van Duin, Peter McLean, David Walker, Sharon Whittaker, Dennis Elford, John Penkaitis, Monika Palczewski, Ed Proudfoot, Gary Catt, James Florence, Kathy Beckenham, Richard Dwyer, Les Cornish, Anne Cornish, Dawn Chamberlain, Peter Lawrence, John Wooster.
Naomi Spencer, Michael Strachan, Nina Strachan, Julie Bourke, Erik Christiansen, Brenda Christiansen, Tom McDonald.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Peter McLean
Seconded: Jan Van Duin
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email and Letter to councilors re Falls Rd access + 5 replies
Email from BNSW re Nowra bypass and transport improvements – Consultation Summary Report
Email from BNSW re Membership renewals – social media posts
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/5/2024 | $3,252.42 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.02 | |
1/5/24 Membership A Ferritti | 10.00 | |
19/5/24 Membership E Christiansen | 10.00 | |
24/5/24 Membership L McMillan | 10.27 | |
30.29 | ||
Expenses: | ||
nil | ||
Current Balance at 31/5/2024 | $3282.71 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/5/2024 | 184.85 | |
Income: | ||
nil | ||
Expenses: | ||
nil | ||
Current Balance at 131/5/2024 | $184.85 | |
Motion: That the financial reports be accepted.
Proposed Dawn Chamberlain
Seconded: Peter Lawrence
Carried unanimously.
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
Only social event this month was coffee after the rides. Thank you, Michael and Nina Strachan, for suggesting a paddle and a potluck dinner at their home in November – date will be advised.
Regarding the ride away to Myrtleford in September – we’ve booked out 8 cabins! There are a further 2 cabins that are vacant but for 3 nights only i.e. Mon, Tues, Wed. Ring them (03) 5752 1598 to book.
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
We currently have 134 members who have renewed membership or joined our group for 2023/24. The latest members to join are Erick Christiansen and Laurence McMillan. I have received another application; I am just awaiting his payment.
Membership renewals are now due for 2024/25 and 33 have been received to date.
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
There have been no issues reported to me lately, regarding the SBUG website. Verne will be updating
the ride calendar with the next six months Sunday rides and any other changes required, after his Ride
Coordinators meeting next Friday.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Ride leader training – A ride leader training morning has been scheduled for Friday 21 st June in Bomaderry. There are two SBUG ride leader trainees, Steve Pryn and Jamie Mathews one SBUG master ride leader trainee, Richard Dwyer. At the request of Bicycle NSW, we will be training another three ride leaders from the
newly formed Illawarra Ramblers BUG. The Ramblers have agreed to pay SBUG $25 per candidate to help pay for morning tea, lunch, and training materials. Some SBUG rider leaders have volunteered as group riders on the assessment rides, but we could use a couple more. Anyone who can spare a few hours on Friday morning, 21st June, please see me after the meeting.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
The usual weekly e mail reports are being forwarded to all members and the South Coast Register. Thanks everyone for the photos although I can’t use them all. It was good to see that the report of the recent multi day ride finally made it into the BNSW newsletter. Thanks to the Sunday and Thursday ride leaders for their reports of the previous week’s rides.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
Everything is going well with communication with ride leaders. Just a reminder of a meeting scheduled on Friday 7th June 2-3pm at our residence to decide the next 6 months of Sunday rides. Just waiting now when the Google ride calendar and the Stacks App are linked together.
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
No report from Estelle.
Ray Martin crashed on a ride last Sunday week and ended up in hospital with concussion. Richard reports he is recovering ok.
David McCorkell is recovering at home.
General Business
Stack Team App and website changes – JW spoke on the progress of the app. Over 60% of members have signed up, many are RSVP’ing to rides and RL’s are checking them in. Comments we have received have been positive. At the committee meeting last week, we approved the changes to the SBUG website that will synchronise the Ride Calendar to the Stack Event Calendar, meaning we will no longer need to enter events manually into both calendars. PC asked the meeting informally if there were any objections or problems with the app and there were no comments.
Moving forward, individual RLs should encourage riders to use the app and RLs should decide when they want to stop using paper sign on.
Code of Conduct – PC advised that a Code of Conduct has been developed and approved by the committee. The document will be available on the website.
Committee positions – PC advised that 3 members of our current committee will not be seeking re-election at the next AGM. The positions vacated are Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary. The non-committee position of Website Co-ordinator will also be vacant. These positions are all integral to the running of the club and we ask members to consider putting there hands up. If you want information on what the job entails, please speak to the President or the current committee members. Phone numbers are available on the website.
Old Nowra Bridge Refurbishment – Shared User Path. Wayne Beckenham
Following our deputation and request to TfNSW to review the ‘Give Way’ signs on the shared user path at the intersection of Pleasant Way and the Princes Highway, work has been completed to correct the situation. The following information has been included in the Nowra Bridge Project Community Update newsletter emailed to residents.
“The intersection of the Princes Highway with Pleasant Way involves vehicles crossing over a shared path. To improve pedestrian and cyclist safety and reduce confusion, the intersection has been permanently changed to give right of way to shared path users. Motorists will now be required to stop and give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing Pleasant Way.
New signage and line marking has been installed as well as green pavement over the shared path crossing location. Electronic message boards are in place to alert motorists of the change.”
Recommended: That we send an email to TfNSW, attention Dan Farrugia, thanking them for carrying out the works suggested by SBUG to improve safety for all shared path users and asking that they keep us informed of the proposed designs for restricting vehicular access to the refurbished old Nowra bridge.
Safety – if you are looking to buy a new helmet this website rates over 200 helmets for safety Virginia Tech.
Training courses – PC is running 2 training courses –
SBUG Bike Maintenance Course Sat 6 Jul 24 1300-1600
SBUG Intermediate MTB Skills Course Sun 7 Jul 24 1400-1700
Limited spaces so check with Peter to sign up
PAMP update.
Information on Council’s Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP), which now includes items from the Shoalhaven Bike Plan, and Active Transport Initiatives, has been updated and is available to view on the Council website. This is a long-term plan to improve all types of pedestrian and active transport infrastructure throughout Shoalhaven. There are around 750 items in the plan for future grant funding and implementation. Draft maps of all towns and villages have been prepared showing existing and proposed footpaths, pedestrian crossings, shared user path, on-road cycle paths, beach access tracks, bushwalks etc. Visit Council’s web site for more information at
Falls Road access – PC read the letter sent to council. Falls Rd access. Five councilors have responded already, Michael Strachan is following up with phone calls.
Thirroul/Kiama ride this Sunday – Jan advises that she has checked that trains are running so the ride is on.
Next Meeting: 7pm on 2nd July 2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 7th May 2024
General Meeting Opened 7.00pm
Peter Cassar
Peter McLean, Wayne Beckenham, Trish Cassar, Dawn Chamberlain, Roz Jaeger, Ed Proudfoot, Kathy Beckenham, Gary Catt, Michael Strachan, Nina Strachan, John Wooster.
Les Cornish, Anne Cornish, James Florence, Richard Dwyer, Sharon Whittaker.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Trish Cassar
Seconded: Michael Strachan
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email from BNSW re BUG and Members update and Council Election Campaign Online Zoom Webinar – 7pm 15 May
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/3/24 3547.86
Interest 0.06
Membership fees H.Youll 10.00
Jersey purchase Cornish 50.00
Micromaze website hosting 250.00
Soldiers On donation 105.00
Current Balance at 30/4/24 $3252.42
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/3/24 184.85
Current Balance at 30/4/24 $184.85
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial reports be accepted.
Proposed: Anne Cornish
Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
I received 4 responses to a tentative HARS visit, so that event will be rescheduled for later in the year, when more are available.
On 9th April, a paddle to Red Point Reserve was organised by Max Long. Thanks Max, your paddles are always an adventure and much enjoyed by all who attend.
John and Jan Van Duin held a potluck dinner on 20th April, over 20 attended. Thank you for hosting a great night John and Jan.
Speaking of Potluck dinners, the next one is at my place on Saturday 27th July, the theme is Xmas in July so wear something Christmassy and be prepared to sing Christmas carols!
There was a Karaoke night at the family tree cafe, Berry on 25th April, a few BUG members attended & from all accounts it was a great night.
I’m passing around a list for people to add the names to future Potluck Dinners, don’t be shy!
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
We currently have 132 members who have renewed membership or joined our group for 2023/24. The
latest member to renew is Mandy Ferretti from Lake Conjola. I am waiting for one other person to pay
their membership fee.
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
There have been no issues reported to me lately, regarding the SBUG website. Verne has updated the
ride calendar to the end of June.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Ride leader training-
Following a request from Bicycle NSW for us to assist with training some ride leaders from the new
Illawarra Ramblers BUG group, Kathy and I volunteered to help with the BNSW ride leader training
day, which was held on 28th April, at Sydney Olympic Park. Nine candidates from regional BUG
groups were put through the course including some of the Illawarra Ramblers. Jim Florence and I will
be going up to Albion Park next week to carry out co-led rides for three of the Ramblers to complete
their training course. We will also be assisting the group by training some of their other members when
we hold our next ride leader training course in Bomaderry in a few months’ time.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Publicity is still going out weekly in the form of a publicity officer’s report to the SCR and the membership. A comprehensive report with photos on the Moruya away ride was forwarded to BNSW for inclusion in their newsletter. It was not in the last newsletter but I am confident they will eventually include it in a later newsletter. Thanks to the Ride Leaders who forward their reports and photos, and especially the efforts of Sharon Whittaker and Michael Strachan for their comprehensive reports of the Moruya multi day ride.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
Spoke to Garry C and he had just had a cataract done going well. He has a skin cancer on his leg and that gets checked next week with a specialist in Gerringong.
Verne is getting stronger and has returned to riding.
No news about JP and Dave is going well.
Barb Hinnrichsen is going really well and was great to see her at potluck night.
General Business
Stack Team App presentation.
JW gave a presentation explain the Stack Team App. We have been investigating this for a couple of months now to see if it could replace our paper ride sign on system and we had done some trialling with committee members. We are satisfied that the app will fulfil our requirement and those of BNSW and our insurers. We are now ready to extend the trial to all members.
There was some discussion regarding the implementation, but all at the meeting agreed we should extend the trial to all members.
Emails will be set to all explaining the next steps.
Old Nowra Bridge Refurbishment – Shared User Path
On 26th February 2024, Peter Cassar, Jim Florence, and Wayne Beckenham met with Transport for NSW representatives Dan Farrugia and Piers Hardwich to discuss concerns we had with bollards and signage erected on the new shared user path (SUP) leading to the Old Nowra Bridge. TfNSW representatives agreed to remove the bollards on both approaches to the old bridge as they did not conform with Australian standards and did not serve any purpose given that vehicles could drive around them. Refurbishment of the old bridge is not expected to be completed until about 2026 but we asked that SBUG be given a chance to comment on plans for excluding unauthorised vehicles from driving onto the old bridge. A line of several bollards across the SUP would not be acceptable. Dan agreed to send us details of the bridge entry treatment when available.
At the meeting we also asked TfNSW to reassess the ‘Give Way’ signs on the shared path at the entry to Pleasant Way. Currently the signs require pedestrians and cyclists to give way to vehicles crossing the SUP. This is contrary to the NSW Road Rules which states a driver, you must give way to pedestrians in shared zones, pedestrian crossings, when turning at intersections and when entering or leaving a driveway. Since the meeting in February a couple of emails were sent to TfNSW requesting an update on any changes to the ‘Give Way’ signs.
On Thursday last week Dan Farrugia rang to inform us that investigations are still continuing but it is likely that the signs will be changed to require vehicles to give way rather than pedestrian and cyclists.
Myrtleford Away Trip.
Proposed for 16th to 20th Sept 2024, staying at the Myrtleford Holiday Park. There will be three organised rides on roads and rail trails. A notice will be sent out shortly with details.
Safety Risk Assessment
The scheduled 12 month review of the club’s Risk Assessment has been completed.
Code of Conduct
We have developed a Code of Conduct for the club to ensure that members understand their rights. A draft copy has been sent with these minutes so members can comment and contribute.
Keen Riders
Sharon Whittaker and Cathy Bennett, supported by Lilly Hartnell have undertaken a ride in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. We wish them happy travels.
Gary Catt reminded all to apply sunscreen and wear a hat.
Meeting closed at 7.50pm
Next Meeting: 7pm on 4th June 2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 19th March 2024
General Meeting Opened 7.30pm
Peter Cassar
Wayne Beckenham, David Walker, Kathy Beckenham, Mel Gillott, Ed Proudfoot, Barry Cruwys, Dennis Elford, Trish Cassar, Gary Catt, John Penkaitis, Monika Palczewski, Michael Strachan, Nina Strachan, Julie Bourke, Richard Dwyer, Peter Hewlett, Michael Davey, Barbara Davey, Peter McLean, Jan Van Duin, John Van Duin, James Florence, Dawn Chamberlain, John Wooster.
Les Cornish, Anne Cornish, Penelope Espinoza Hallett, Raul Espinoza Mendez,
Previous Minutes
Mel Gillott advises that he was not present at the previous meeting as stated in the minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted with the above amendment.
Proposed: Michael Strachan
Seconded: Jim Florence
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email from BNSW re MOU
Email from BNSW re Webinar Webinar- How to secure grants
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/2/24 | $3,487.83 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.03 | |
Membership fees Linda Fuller | 10.00 | |
Riding top K.Jay | 50.00 | |
60.03 | ||
Expenses: | ||
nil | ||
Current Balance at 29/2/2024 | $3,547.86 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/2/24 | 184.85 | |
Income: | ||
nil | ||
Expenses: | ||
nil | ||
Current Balance at | $184.85 |
Motion: That the financial reports be accepted.
Proposed: Gary Catt
Seconded: Trish Cassar
Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
Happy Leap year to all.
Thanks Max Long for organising a paddle on 13/2/24 to Wandandian Creek. I’ll advise the date for the next one, after speaking with Max.
This is Harmony week and to celebrate cultural diversity, this Saturday from 10am to 4pm at Nowra School of Arts, 11 Berry Street, Nowra. There will be free workshops, (Zumba and Salsa), lunch and an afternoon concert with some amazing multicultural entertainment.
I will be canvassing members to see if there is an interest in visiting HARS (Historical Aircraft Restoration Society) at Albion Park in the cooler months of May/June. The cost is $25 for a 1.5 – 2 hour tour. There is a cafe on site, called “Connie”, where morning tea or lunch can be purchased at a reasonable price.
Any volunteers for 2024 to host a Potluck dinner?
Motion: That the Social Co-ordinator’s financial report be accepted.
Proposed Dawn Chamberlain
Carried unanimously.
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
We currently have 132 members who have renewed membership or joined our group for 2023/24. The
latest member to renew is Henry Youll from Avoca on the Southern Highlands (previously from Callala Bay).
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
There have been no issues reported to me lately, regarding the SBUG website.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Our ride leaders had a meeting on Friday 23rd February. Some of the items discussed are as follows.
Notifying attendance on a ride
On some occasions ride leaders may wish to request riders intending to participate on a particular ride, notify the ride leader of their intension before the ride. This would be helpful especially with rides starting at distant locations from Nowra. If ride leaders would like to use this option they can contact Verne Mutton, our Ride Coordinator, to have the following note added to the ride calendar.
“NOTE. Riders intending to participate on this ride PLEASE CALL OR TEXT the Ride Leader, before
the ride, to notify their attendance on the ride. If no riders have registered for the ride, the ride leader
may cancel the ride and not be at the starting point of the ride”.
Ride leader training.
Bicycle NSW has notified all BUG’s that a ride leader training day has been scheduled for 28th April, in Sydney. There will be some of the new Illawarra Ramblers BUG group doing the course and depending on how many are trained on that occasion, we may be assisting the group in training some of their members when we hold our next ride leader training course in a few months’ time.
Wednesday ride North Nowra to Cambewarra.
Mundamia ride leader, Ed Proudfoot, and the North Nowra/Cambewarra ride leader, John Wooster, have decided they would like to make the North Nowra/Cambewarra ride a monthly event, instead of only every 5th Wednesday of the month, which only happens a few times a year. The idea had broad support from the regular Wednesday riders, and it was decided to go ahead with the change. So, the ride on the 3rd and 5th Wednesday of the month will be North Nowra/Cambewarra ride instead of Mundamia. Ride leader will be John Wooster.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Weekly publicity reports are being sent to all members and the South Coast Register. Thanks to the ride leaders and others who send in reports of their rides and photographs. Some weeks I received as many as 15 photos so please don’t be disappointed if your photo isn’t used. I am also including some historic photos in some of the reports. Thanks to Michael Strachan for the report on the recent multiday ride and the photos. Sharon Whittaker is sending me a report of the weekend that was attached to this ride, and it will be included in next week’s report. I will also combine them and send them off to BNSW for their newsletter, so more photos of these rides would be appreciated.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
Nil, Verne not present
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
SBUG Away Trip Report – Sharon Whittaker (read in by PC)
Nerriga to Moruya
Tuesday March 5th to Sunday 10th 2024
6 days of riding
The idea of the trip came from the challenge to ride a series of continuous days from the mountain plateau of the Shoalhaven to the headwaters of the Durra River and follow the rivers course down to the sea.
After plotting the courses, coordinating accommodation and setting up the socials, it was time to go.
What transpired was a group of 28 Sbug adventurous spirits, made up of 14 riders doing the 3-day overnighter and 14 riders joining in at Moruya.
The Route:
Nerriga to Braidwood. 60km
Braidwood to Araluen. 74 km
Araluen to Moruya. 66Km
Moruya Heads to Mossy Point. 46km
Moruya Township loop. 30km
Congo -Bingi Loop 30km.
Tuross Meander 15km.
Riding across a fabulous range of terrains, from the mountain plateau to bike hiking along isolated sea beaches the group enjoyed terrific comradery, lots of laughter, fun and awe-inspiring vistas.
Strategically placed Pub overnight stops and 2 excursions on route, numerous bush morning tea and lunch stops in the mountains, lunches under shady trees alongside beaches, and most important a few lunch stops in cafes and one boatshed on the coast.
I believe the trip was a great success. I thoroughly enjoyed the riding and importantly the company of my fellow riders. I hope all those who went also enjoyed themselves. First and foremost, all members returned home safely.
A big shout out and thank you to the Sbug committee who has built the mechanisms within the club so an event like this can be put on, it takes a lot of work behind the scenes. It was great to be able to offer the trip to all of the Sbug riding members, we are a great and generous riding community and I’m grateful to a part of it.
PS Looking forward to the next SBUG adventure.
General Business
Peter Hewlett advised that he has been unable to contact Antonio Correl for a while now, he was last heard of travelling in Japan.
Action: PC to follow up.
PC stressed the importance of wearing eye protection whilst riding.
It was also stressed that it was important to advise the ride leader when leaving a ride.
Stack Team App
PC announced that the committee was looking at the Stack Team App for managing our ride sign on process and that JW and WB are investigating and trialling the application. JW explained that it is a free application that is loaded onto smart phones. Once members login and join the SBUG Team, they will be able to see all our rides and events in a calendar and go through the ride sign on process by ticking boxes, without the need of entering phone # etc. Ride leaders will mark riders attending the ride and will have access to phone nos. Members data can only be seen by Administrators and Ride Leaders. Also able to post photos and videos, chat, post news items and store documents. There is still much setup and testing needed. Watch this space.
Ebike battery charging
Do not charge overnight. Over 1000 house fires caused by battery charging.
2028 Meeting Closed
Next Meeting: 7pm on Tuesday 7th May 2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 6th February 2024
General Meeting Opened 7.00pm
Michael Strachan
Anne Cornish, James Florence, Richard Dwyer, Les Cornish, Sharon Whittaker, Gary Catt, Peter McLean, Mel Gillott, Jan Van Duin, John Van Duin, Penelope Espinoza Hallett, Raul Espinoza Mendez, John Wooster.
Dawn Chamberlain, Wayne Beckenham, Julie Bourke, Trish Cassar, Peter Cassar, David Walker.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Richard Dwyer
Seconded: James Florence
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email from SCC FAO Mr Michael Castlemaine Traffic/Construction – Naval College Road/Booderee Ave
Email from Peter McLean Ride leader training
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 30/11/2023 | $3692.75 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.06 | |
Membership fees | 20.00 | |
20.06 | 3712.81 | |
Expenses: | ||
Xmas Party Music – John Tuff | 200.00 | |
Cards – P.Cassar | 24.98 | |
224.98 | ||
Current Balance at 31/1/2024 | $3487.83 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 30/11/2023 | $184.83 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.02 | |
Expenses: | ||
0.00 | ||
Current Balance at 31/1/2024 | $184.85 |
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial report be accepted.
Proposed: Anne Cornish
Seconded: Peter McLean
Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
Happy New Year to all. Max Long organised a paddle on 23/1/24 at Sussex Inlet. 11 people attended with 10 paddlers. Bill Paterson waved them farewell then went in search for a good coffee shop after the paddle (thanks Bill).
There were no takers for the Ride on Lawn Mower event, (a few people told me why) and another paddle is being organised by Max Long for 6/2/24 at Wandandian Creek.
Any volunteers for 2024 to host a Potluck dinner?
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
We currently have 129 members who have renewed membership or joined our group for 2023/24.
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
There have been no issues reported to me lately, regarding the SBUG website.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Ride Leader Reassessment – Eighteen of our ride leaders have either completed our ride leader reassessment course or were accredited under the new BNSW Ride Leader Training Manual, released in April 2021. Another ride leader, Paul Taylor, who now lives in Wollongong, but occasionally leads our rides, will be doing his reassessment with Illawarra or Kiama BUG. Thanks to those who have taken part in the reassessments.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Ride leader’s reports are continuing to be sent to the South Coast Register and the membership weekly. I have also started to include historic photos with an explanation of the relevant historic significance of the photo, so if anyone has some significant historic photos, please send them to me for possible inclusion in the report. Thanks to the ride leaders for their reports and to the riders in general for their photos.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
No report
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
No report
General Business
Saturday Ride leaders – General discussion indicated that for the Parma Rd ride the system of rostering is working. Jim wants a similar system for the GP ride and is working on it.
Moruya Trip – Sharon said that all is in place for the trip. All the rides have been entered into the calendar, including the rides around Moruya.
Safety Issues – Richard Dwyer reminded all to ensure that ebikes are switched off before any work is carried out.
Guest Speaker for the March Meeting – Jim has invited a guest speaker to our March meeting.
Michael Davey is ex-Navy. He is a writer, teacher and keen cyclist who has done three charity rides around Australia supported by his wife Barbara. His last ride raised over $100,000 for Soldier On, a charity that supports ex-servicemen who have PTSD and are at risk of suicide.
March Meeting – It was noted that the March meeting is in the week of the Neriga-Moruya ride and there may not be many at the meeting for the guest speaker. The first thought was to move Michael to the April meeting, but this is immediately after easter and again attendance may be down. It was decided best to move the next meeting to Tuesday 19th March 2024 and that the April meeting will be cancelled.
Cyclist Warning Sign – Sharon advised that Steve Pryn had made up a warning sign to hang on the back of his car whilst trailing the Neriga- Moruya ride. Sharon asked if the club could get one made up. Discussion on the merits of the sign. The thoughts were that if such a sign was displayed it would look like an “official” ride sanctioned by local police and authorities and we need to apply for a permit. All agreed we don’t want to go down this track so no sign will be used.
1938 -Meeting closed
Next Meeting: 7pm on Tuesday 19th March 2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 5th December 2023
General Meeting Opened 7.00pm
Peter Cassar
James Florence, Gary Catt, John Penkaitis, Jan Van Duin, John Van Duin, Rhonda Mottram, Warwick Mottram, Barry Cruwys, Trish Cassar, Dawn Chamberlain, Anne Cornish, Wayne Beckenham, John Wooster.
Peter Hewlett, Michael Strachan, Ed Proudfoot, Julie Bourke, Monika Palczewski, Les Cornish, Kathy Beckenham, Verne Mutton.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Dawn Chamberlain
Seconded: Wayne Beckenham
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
The bollards outside the caravan park in Woollamia have been removed.
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 14/11/2023 | 3642.72 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.03 | |
Membership fees | 40.00 | |
From Social T.Carnall | 10.00 | |
Cash W.Mottram | 100.00 | |
From Social re Strachan | 20.00 | |
170.03 | 3812.75 | |
Expenses: | ||
To Social re Strachan | 20.00 | |
To Social re Mottram | 100.00 | |
120.00 | ||
Current Balance at 5/12/2023 | $3692.75 |
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial report be accepted.
Proposed: Dawn Chamberlain
Seconded: Jan van Duin
Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 14/11/2023 | 834.86 | |
Income: | ||
Xmas Party 42 x $50 | 2100.00 | |
P.McLean (owed $83 for decorations & Bonbons) | 17.00 | |
2117.00 | 2951.86 | |
Expenses: | ||
To SHBC 55 @ $49 | 2695.00 | |
To SHBC table cloth hire 7 @ $5 | 35.00 | |
Xmas party prizes | 29.04 | |
ACT ride away prizes | 7.99 | |
2767.03 | ||
Current Balance at 5/12/2023 | $184.83 |
Motion: That the Social Co-ordinator’s financial report be accepted.
Proposed: John van Duin
Seconded: Trish Cassar
Carried unanimously.
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
We currently have 128 members who have renewed membership or joined our group for 2023/24. We have at least one rider who is trialing our rides at the moment.
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
There have been no issues reported to me lately, regarding the SBUG website. An email went out to all members yesterday outlining some changes to the wording of some documents on the website under the ‘Forms’ tab. Please read these short amendments which help to clarify issues regarding a rider’s responsibility to ensure their bike and equipment complies with NSW Road Rules. The amended documents include.
- SBUG Ride Procedures and Guidelines
- Ride Leaders Pre-ride Briefing and
- SBUG Ride Registration Sheet
Our ride co-ordinator Verne has arranged a ride planning meeting next Friday 8 th December to discuss the next six months Sunday and Thursday rides. He will then update the ride calendar on the website. All members are welcome to attend the meeting and suggest new rides.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Ride Leader Meeting – A ride leader meeting was held on Friday 24th November, over coffee and cakes at the “Three Pots Café”, Nowra. Fifteen of our twenty ride leaders attended the meeting and discuss various ride leading matters. Minutes of the meeting have been sent to all RLs and Committee members. The next ride leaders meeting is scheduled for Friday 23rd February 2024.
Ride Leader Reassessment – The ride leader refresher course, consisting of a short theory session followed by a ride leading assessment, is nearing completion. Only three of our RLs need to finalise their riding assessment rides. We will soon have nineteen ride leaders who have been accredited or reassessed under the new BNSW Ride Leader Training Manual, released in April 2021. Thanks to those who have taken part in the reassessments.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Reports of the previous week’s rides and the next week’s rides are still being forwarded to the membership weekly, and a shortened version sent to the South Coast Register. Thanks to all the Ride Leaders who send their reports in weekly and to the various photographers who send me photos. I received a detailed report of the Canberra ride away with numerous photos and they were included in last week’s report. Thanks also to the Ride Leaders and photographers on the Canberra ride.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
Have been kept busy by ride leaders wanting substitutes. Must be the holiday season. I would encourage Ride leaders to text me any change as sometimes a phone call information is easy to mislay if I’m out and about.
A meeting to decide on January to June Sunday rides during 2024 is suggested can take place on Friday 8th December between 3 – 4pm at the Mutton residence.
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
General Business
Peter Cassar apology. Peter apologised for the mix up over the Christmas party spending.
The March ride from Neriga to Moruya has been approved by the committee. Peter Cassar described the ride from Sharo’s extensive notes. Steve Prynne will support the ride in a vehicle. Ultimate Cycles will be providing bike transport to Neriga.
Safety. John Penkaitis recently saw an incident with cyclists turning right that caused some angst to a following motorist. When riding in a group all cyclists should move to the right-hand section of the road at once.
John Penkaitis reports that former member Tony McCourt recently had a heart attack and was saved by action of ambulance staff.
Peter Cassar reminded us all that with the weather changing make sure you apply sunscreen and hydrate.
Meeting room grant. Jim Florence reports that the application for the grant has been submitted and we will know in January if we are successful.
Christmas lights ride on the 17/12/23. Verne reports that we still have no ride leader for this event. A pre ride pizza party will be at the Mutton residence. Wayne Beckenham advises that he is unhappy with the safety aspects of the ride particularly it being at night with all the traffic around.
Saturday rides start time. Both the Parma Rd ride and the Greenwell Pt ride will start at 7:00am commencing this Saturday 9th December.
Wednesday rides will remain at an 8am start time.
Barry Cruwys advises that he cannot regularly lead the Parma Rd ride and relief ride leaders need to be found. John Wooster and Peter Cassar advise but they can be alternates. A roster will be devised for this ride.
The Greenwell Pt ride needs a new ride later. This Saturday Gary Catt will lead the Greenwell Point ride and Peter Cassar will lead the Parma Rd ride.
The meeting expressed its’ thanks to Mel Gillott and Peter Hewlett for their service as right leaders.
Bike Haven, there’s a new bike shop in Bomaderry located behind the car wash. They’re offering 10% discount to a SBUG members.
Next Meeting: 7pm on Tuesday 6th Feb 2024 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 14 November 2023
General Meeting Opened 7.00pm
Peter Cassar
Wayne Beckenham, Michael Strachan, Nina Strachan, Richard Dwyer, Peter Lawrence, Peter McLean, Gary Catt, Les Cornish, Sharon Whittaker, Ed Proudfoot, James Florence, Trish Cassar, Kathy Beckenham, Mel Gillott, Anne Cornish, Dawn Chamberlain, John Wooster.
Verne Mutton, Julie Bourke.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Wayne Beckenham
Seconded: Peter Lawrence
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email from SCC and TfNSW MFCM: Strategic Cycleway Corridors Program +OM SCC – Council Workshop – Shoalhaven City Council.pdf
Email from BNSW Invitation BUGs Christmas Ride and Lunch Sunday 17 Dec
Email to SCC Construction on a Shared User Path at Woollamia without Council Approval
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Dawn Chamberlain
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 3/10/2023 | $3664.69 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.03 | |
Membership fees x 3 | 30.00 | |
30.03 | 3694.72 | |
Expenses: | ||
Welfare Officer float advance | 20.00 | |
Ink Cartridges – to Wayne | 32.00 | |
52.00 | ||
Current Balance at 14/11/2023 | $3642.72 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 3/10/2023 | $284.85 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.01 | |
11 Xmas Party Payments | 550.00 | |
550.01 | 834.86 | |
Expenses: | ||
nil | ||
Current Balance at 14/11/2023 | $834.86 |
Motion: That the Social Co-ordinator’s financial report be accepted.
Proposed: Peter McLean, Seconded: Richard Dwyer
Carried unanimously.
Social Secretaries Report – Dawn Chamberlain
A very successful progressive lunch was held on 15.10.23. Thank you, Max Long for organising and hosting along with Sharon Whittaker and Bill Purdy.
30 people have now paid for the Christmas dinner to be held on 30.11.23 at the Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club.
The sub committee meet on 13.11.23 at the club to finalise arrangements and an email to all members will be sent out.
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
We currently have 128 members who have renewed or joined our group for 2023/24. Nineteen new members have joined our group so far, this financial year. There has been an increase in membership each year for the last eight years, but this is the highest number of members we have ever had.
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
Currently the website seems to be working OK, no issues have been reported to me lately. The SBUG rides calendar is up to date to the end of December 2023. Our ride co-ordinator Verne will soon be arranging a meeting to discuss the next six months’ Sunday and Thursday rides and then he will be updating the ride calendar.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Ride Leader Meeting
The next ride leader meeting is scheduled for Friday 24th November 2023. All ride leaders are welcome to attend the meeting and get-together over coffee. It is an opportunity for ride leaders to discuss any issues or suggestions they may have for improving our ride leading. The meeting will start at 2:00pm sharp, at the “Three Pots Café” (formerly the Tin Shed) in the Pleasant Way River Lodge, corner of Pleasant Way and Hawthorn Avenue, Nowra.
Ride Leader Reassessment.
The ride leader reassessment programme is nearing completion. We have completed the refresher theory courses for the ten ride leaders who were accredited prior to the introduction of the new BNSW Ride Leader Training Manual in April 2021. Seven of the ten have also completed the final ride leading assessment rides. Thank you to those who have taken part in the reassessments. We believe the process has generally improved the level of our ride leading.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
Have been kept busy by ride leaders wanting substitutes. Must be the holiday season. I would encourage Ride leaders to text me any change as sometimes a phone call information is easy to mislay if I’m out and about.
A meeting to decide on January to June Sunday rides during 2024 is suggested can take place on Friday 8th December between 3 – 4pm at Mutton residence.
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
General Business
- Safety – Don’t forget to apply that sun cream.
- MTB skills course
- Canberra Trip – Thanks to the Van Duin’s for organizing the trip. 3 road rides were organised plus an extra off-road ride around Canberra and surrounds.
- Trip proposal – Sharon has been planning a bike packing trip from Nerriga to Moruya, 4 days/3 nights. This would link with a weekend in Moruya all welcome. Invitation to be sent to all.
- Parking at Hyam’s Beach – The area normally used to park by riders is being temporarily used to stockpile road maintenance material. A nearby carpark is still available.
- Parking in Boodaree – Some confusion re paying in the NP. It was pointed out that there is parking available nearby in JB Village.
- Age restrictions on SBUG rides – The rules are that no children under 13 and those aged 13-17 need a supervisor.
- Bollards – Culburra Beach shared path bollard upgrade is now completed. The bollards on the path at Jervis Bay Holiday Park in Woollamia are still there. Wayne has again written to SCC asking for the removal.
- Christmas Party – Entertainment expenses to be discussed at the next committee meeting.
- Ride leaders who are not able to lead an assigned ride should ensure that another ride leader is assigned. Please call or message Verne Mutton to ensure the new arrangements are in place.
- Princes Highway upgrade at JB Rd – This major works will be starting soon. Michael Strachan suggested that a Falls Road link at Falls Creek would help alleviate rider access to the area. Michael will draft a proposal and talk to Scott Wells.
- Cycling Tourism – It was pointed out that with the rise in Cycling Tourism that there is no drawcard cycling trail in the Shoalhaven.
- Ebike warning – a recent experience with a chain repair highlighted that ebikes should be turned off before maintenance works are undertaken.
- Christmas Lights Ride – scheduled for 17th December, Verne to organise.
- Les’s 80k ride – 20th December, email with details to be sent.
Next Meeting: 7pm on Tuesday 5th December 2023 at The Worrigee Sports Club
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 03 October 2023
General Meeting Opened 7.00pm
Peter Cassar
Peter Lawrence, Peter McLean, Richard Dwyer, John Van Duin, Jan Van Duin, Mel Gillott, Sharon Whittaker, Barry Cruwys, Barb Hinnrichson, Kathy Beckenham, Trish Cassar, Julie Bourke, John Penkaitis, Dawn Chamberlain, Wayne Beckenham, John Wooster.
Les Cornish, Anne Cornish, Peter Hewlett, Michael Strachan, Nina Strachan, Jim Florence.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Dawn Chamberlain
Seconded: Trish Cassar
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email from Bundanon Trust – Draft Guidelines for Cycling at Bundanon
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 5/9/2023 | 3698.66 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.03 | |
Membership fees x2 | 20.00 | |
20.03 | 3718.69 | |
Expenses: | ||
J.Florence NSW Fair Trading Fee | 54.00 | |
Current Balance at 3/9/2023 | $3664.69 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 5/9/2023 | 294.85 | |
Income: | ||
0 | ||
Expenses: | ||
Transfer J.Jolly membership to General Acct | 10.00 | |
Current Balance at 3/9/2023 | $284.85 |
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial reports be accepted.
Proposed: Richard Dwyer
Seconded: Peter Lawrence
Carried unanimously.
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
A picturesque paddle event was held on Tuesday 12/09/23 along Minnamurra Creek, with 12 people and 11 crafts attending then a light snack afterwards at the local cafe.
Progressive Lunch to be held on 15th October 2023.
Ride away to Canberra scheduled for 6th November 2023.
Christmas Party sub committee meeting on 9/10/23.
Christmas Party at Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club on 30/11/23.
Christmas lights ride to be discussed at 3/10/23 meeting.
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
We currently have 120 members who have renewed or joined our group for 2023/24. We have had twelve new members join our group so far, this financial year, including four couples.
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
Currently the website seems to be working OK, no issues have been reported to me lately. The SBUG rides calendar is currently up to date to the end of December 2023. Changes to rides can happen at any time so remember to check the calendar before attending a ride.
A full ride description of each Thursday mountain bike ride is now being shown on the ride calendar each week, usually the Sunday or Monday before the event. Eventually all Thursday rides for the next six months will be shown on the calendar similar to the Sunday rides.
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
Ride Leader Meeting – The next ride leader meeting is scheduled for Friday 24th November 2023. All ride leaders are welcome to attend the meeting and get-together over coffee. It is an opportunity for ride leaders to discuss any issues or suggestions they may have for improving our ride leading. The meeting will start at 2:00pm sharp, at the “Three Pots Café” (formerly the Tin Shed) in the Pleasant Way River Lodge, corner of Pleasant Way and Hawthorn Avenue, Nowra.
Ride Leader Reassessment – The ride leader reassessment programme is currently under way. Jim Florence and I have had one refresher theory course with five ride leaders attending and two ride leading assessment rides have been completed so far. All of our ride leaders are welcome to attend the refresher if they desire.
Another theory course has been scheduled for Monday next week for the final five ride leaders listed to do the course. The theory part of the course is a short review of some of the important sections of the new ride leader training manual. Ride leading assessments rides are being carried out on our normal weekly rides with a master ride leader observing and giving feedback.
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Not present
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
Not present
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
Not present
General Business
Canberra Trip – 6-10th November. Organised by Jan and John Van Duin
Day 1 Round the lake
Day 2 To Queanbeyan
Day 3 Wetlands ride.
Monday night – welcome BBQ at Alivio
Tuesday and Wednesday dining in the restaurant at the park
Thursday night BBQ
Safety – Magpie season, ride leaders should consider route changes.
Roundabouts, be prepared to stop. John Penkaitis.
Boodaree Parking – The normal parking spot at the start of this ride has been closed by council. PC will approach SCC for clarification of the matter. Sharon to email PC with information. The rangers want feedback about cycling in the park.
MTB training – PC is running a course for sic participants. Details to be emailed to all soon.
Strava – Sharon Whittaker has been made an Administrator of the Strava group.
Rider age limit – Richard asked if there was a minimum age limit for SBUG rides. This matter will be looked into by the committee.
Ride Sheets with regular riders already entered. Wayne explained that these are available to ride leaders.
Extreme conditions – Looking like this summer we will experience extreme fire conditions. Ride leaders and riders should be aware of the conditions prior to the start and cancel rides if safety is an issue.
Progressive Lunch – Another ride leader is required for this day. Verne is co-ordinating.
7.52pm Meeting closed.
Next Meeting: 7pm on 14th November 2023 at The Worrigee Sports Club. Note the change of date.
Minutes of the General Meeting held at The Worrigee Sports Club 05 September 2023
General Meeting Opened 7.15pm
Peter Cassar
Les Cornish, Mell Gillott, Trish Cassar, David Walker, Michael Strachan, Dennis Elford, Ed Proudfoot, Dawn Chamberlain, Wayne Beckenham, Anne Cornish, Tom McDonald, Jim Florence, Peter McLean, Richard Dwyer, John Penkaitis, Denise Evans, John Wooster.
Sharon Whittaker, Karen Davis, Peter Hewlett, Julie Bourke, Peter Lawrence, Barry Cruwys, Janet Jolly, Nina Strachan, Michell Bills, Gary Catt.
Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.
Proposed: Wayne Beckenham
Seconded: Dawn Chamberlain
Carried unanimously.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
Email from SCC/Healthy Cities – More than a cyclist survey
Email from BNSW – Once in 4 year opportunity
Email from SCC – Woodhill Mtn Rd closure to cyclists
Treasurer’s Financial Reports – Anne Cornish
General Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/8/2023 | $3748.63 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.03 | |
Membership fees x 10 | 100.00 | |
100.03 | 3848.66 | |
Expenses: | ||
Xmas party deposit to SHBC (via M Palczewski) | 150.00 | |
Current Balance at 5/09/2023 | $3698.66 |
Social Account Bendigo Bank Previous Balance at 1/8/2023 | $284.85 | |
Income: | ||
Interest | 0.00 | |
Janet Jolly | 10.00 | 294.85 |
Expenses: | ||
0.00 | ||
Current Balance at 5/09/2023 | $294.85 |
Motion: That the Treasurer’s financial reports be accepted.
Proposed: Dawn Chamberlain
Seconded: Trish Cassar
Carried unanimously
Social Co-ordinator’s Report – Dawn Chamberlain
The Christmas Party Sub committee comprising of Julie Bourke, Peter McLean and Janet Jolley has been held and the Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club has been booked for Thursday 30 – 11 -2023. More details will follow closer to the date, but please diarise.
Progressive Lunch to be held on 15th October 2023 at Sharon Whittaker’s for Entrees, Max Long for lunch and Bill Purdy’s for dessert. Please check your email for details, Max Long is organising this event. Thank you, Sharon, Max and Bill, for opening up your homes.
Ride away to Canberra scheduled for 6th November 2023.
Please advise if you have any social event ideas you have for 2024
Membership Secretary Report – Wayne Beckenham
As per AGM
Website Manager’s Report – Wayne Beckenham
As per AGM
Master Ride Leaders Report – Wayne Beckenham
As per AGM
Publicity Officer’s Report – Jim Florence
Please keep the photos coming.
Ride Coordinator’s Report – Verne Mutton
As per AGM
Welfare Officer’s Report – Estelle Burgess
General Business
- Medical emergencies – Wayne has updated the SBUG Ride Procedures and Guidelines document on the SBUG website regarding calling an ambulance. All riders should read this document.
- MTB training course – Peter Cassar will be running an MTB training session. Time and place TBA.
- November general meeting. As the Canberra trip clashes with this, the meeting will be moved from 7th to 14th. Action: JW to organise with club
- Safety – John Penkaitis mentioned a few recent riding incidents and reminded all not to get blasé about safety. John suggested that Ride Safety should be a regular agenda item. It is the responsibility of all riders to ride in a safe manner and be aware of hazards and other riders. Wayne suggested a debrief post ride might ensure issues get discussed.
Meeting closed at 7.41pm
Next Meeting: 7pm on 3/10/2023 at The Worrigee Sports Club