NSW Parliamentary Inquiry – Driver Education, Training and Road Safety
In February, Bicycle NSW along with 75 other bodies, made a submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry in to Driver Education, Training and Road Safety. You can read our submission on the NSW Parliament Inquiry website.
Our main recommendations were:
- To include approved bicycle safety courses in the total training hours for Learners that count towards their logbook.
- Driver Education be included as a compulsory part of the Year 10 PDHPE curriculum in NSW High Schools
- Include a Vulnerable Road Users component in the Learner rules testing and practical examination
- For NSW Drivers to undergo a computer based Rules test every 5 years which must include a Vulnerable Road Users component
- A high priority be given to ongoing driver education through effective media campaigns
- Transport infrastructure projects to include a component for the Positive Provision of Active Transport Infrastructure
- The bicycle infrastructure component of the total transport infrastructure budget be raised to 5%