On Sunday, 7 September the Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group have organised a 40 km return, slow paced, medium difficulty ride with some traffic to Greenwell Point. The ride starts at 10:00am from the Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. There are very few hills on this ride and some easy off-road sections for those on mountain bikes. Cycle through lush farm land to Greenwell Point for lunch and return. Contact: Judi; (02) 4421 5214 or Peter (02) 4446 0119 for more information. (Ride Leader; Peter)
Last Thursday seven cyclists ignored the wet start to the day and turned up for another adventure on muddy, water course tracks. The riders stayed dry up to the coffee break in Vincentia, but then a light drizzle started during the return leg, whilst cycling on a great newish bush path from Moona Moona Creek to Huskisson Roadd. Despite the conditions the riders achieved a 45 km varied cycle, on new trails without incident or regret.
Last Sunday, eight cyclists rode to Upper Kangaroo River, on a beautiful warm sunny ‘last of winter’ morning. The escarpment views were picturesque, glistening with the sun on the colourful wet rock, plus the sight of a long drop waterfall. The river was flowing noisily, with many rocky rapids and on the unsealed section of road, the riders rode through frequent areas of running water. Two cyclists witnessed a platypus in the swollen river. At the rock pool, a relaxed break was taken, whilst sitting chatting in the warm sun. Back in Kangaroo Valley; after 36 km and 3 hrs of riding, the group lazed at a cafe for refreshments, whilst soaking up the pleasant scenery.
This Wednesday, September 3, the Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group’s Annual General Meeting will be held, commencing at 6.30 pm. There will be no monthly meeting for September but the AGM will commence at 6.30 PM in the Library meeting room, basement level, Nowra Library, Berry Street, Nowra. Afterwards, (7.30pm) we will be meeting for dinner at the ‘Panda Gardens’ Chinese restaurant. All members and partners are welcome at this self funded dinner.
Thursday, 4 September the midweek mountain bike ride will start at 9 am from the Nowra Visitors Centre. A medium mountain bike ride to the Banglee Reserve via Nth Nowra and Bangalee, using shared cycle paths, bitumen with some traffic and bush tracks. A scenic ride with regroups to view the Shoalhaven River along the way, one significant hill prior to the Reserve; stopping for refreshments at the Slice of Life on the return journey. [Option to start from the Cafe at 9.15 am]. Contact Jan 44220793.
This Saturday morning 3 road bike rides will start from the Nowra Visitors Centre: 7 am training ride & an 8am social cycle to Greenwell Pt. An 8am easy mystery meander around Bomaderry and Nowra will also be held for new or beginning riders. Coffee/breakfast at Café 91 after the ride. For details of 8 am social rides contact Peter on 44460119 + for the 7am training ride contact Rod 0428211487.
Monday ride to Berry for Coffee, a 50 km return road bike ride with some traffic mainly on back roads and rolling hills. Starting from the Nowra Visitors Centre at 9am ph Judi 44215214. will be from NOWRA TO COMERONG ISLAND FERRY and return. The ride is a 25 km, slow pace, easy cycle on flat terrain with Some traffic. This ride is suitable for beginners. Starts at 8:00am from Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. Contact Jim 0244232943 or Judi 0244215214 for more information.
SBUG now have 2 medium size Mountain Bikes for loan by members, their family or their friends; also available for hire within the Shoalhaven by those outside SBUG. For enquires contact Jan :0244220793.
Information on cycling in Shoalhaven, including details of over 30 rides, can now be viewed on the internet at www.shoalhavenbug.com.au