Next Sunday, 28 December, there will be no scheduled ride due to the Christmas holidays.
Last Sunday SBUG riders had their annual Christmas Lights ride. The group met at North Nowra shops for a leisurely ride to view houses decorated with Christmas lights in the North Nowra area.
Last Thursday ten cyclists enjoyed the final Midweek Mountain Bike ride for the year, to Coolendel Lookout. The group encountered a grader and water tanker carrying out road works on a four km stretch of Bugong Road which made the going a little slow through the loose gravel but the panoramic views from Coolendel Lookout made it all worthwhile. After the ride the group had a tasty BBQ lunch around the pool at Jan’s home. A very pleasant way to finish another year of great mountain bike riding. Thanks to Jan for making her home available for the BBQ and for leading most of the Midweek Mountain Bike Rides.
SBUG Rides for this week include:
There will be no scheduled ride due to Christmas Day.
SATURDAY – FAST TRAINING RIDE TO GREENWELL POINT, RETURN; 40 km / Fast pace / for experienced cyclists. Starts at 7:00am from the Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra (Not an official BUG ride). The fast group usually ride as a rotating peloton. Contact: Rod 0428 211 487
SATURDAY – NOWRA TO GREENWELL POINT, RETURN; 40 km / Moderate pace / Medium difficulty / Some Traffic / The ride starts at 7:00am from the Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. Contact: Peter (02) 4446 0119
SATURDAY MORNING MEANDER: 15 to 20 km / Slow pace / Easy / Some traffic / Sealed roads / Starts at 7:00am from the Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. The ride route varies week to week and is chosen taking into account prevailing weather conditions on the day. The ride is always within the Nowra area. Contact: Tom (02) 4421 6719. Enjoy coffee and a chat at a local Cafe in Nowra after the rides. All welcome
MONDAY – NOWRA TO BERRY, RETURN; 50 km / Moderate pace / Some traffic. Starts at 9:00am from Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. A medium ride with a few small hills. Great scenery. Suitable for riders looking for a medium challenge. Always the option to take the train back. Coffee at a Cafe in Berry. Contact: Peter (02) 4446 0119.
WEDNESDAY – NOWRA TO COMERONG ISLAND FERRY, RETURN; 25 km return / Slow pace / Easy / Flat terrain / Some traffic / Suitable for beginners. Starts at 8:00am from Nowra Visitors Centre, Pleasant Way, Nowra. Contact Jim (02) 4423 2943.
For information about Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group, including our monthly rides calendar, cycling news, photo gallery, on-line membership application and lots more, log onto our website at A variety of rides are scheduled over five days each week.
Shoalhaven BUG welcomes all riders on their rides, children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.