At the December SBUG Special Meeting the constitution changes were approved by the membership. In 2014/15 – Membership renewal and subscriptions will be due in June 2015, thereby giving members an extra three months membership.
At the November meeting of the Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group, the executive recommended to members that the “Membership” section of the SBUG Constitution be amended to reflect the new ‘cycling year’ for both Bicycle NSW and our organisation. In presenting the proposal, Mel Gillott, the SBUG President said, “Reason for the change is to fall in line with Bicycle NSW membership year and to aid administration by changing to a Financial Year membership cycle”.
Mel went on to explain that to change the constitution a Special General Meeting will need to be held. “The purpose of the Special Meeting is to vote on the proposed change to our Constitution as follows:
Replace the clause – Membership renewals and subscriptions are due on the first Wednesday in March. If renewals and subscriptions are not renewed by the end of March, membership will cease and the member removed from the membership roll.
With this clause – Membership renewals and subscriptions are due on the first of July each year. If renewals and subscriptions are not renewed by this date, membership will cease and the member removed from the membership roll”.
“If passed, 2014/5 renewals will not become due until 1.7.15., thereby giving an extra three months free membership for current members”, advised Mr Gillott.
All SBUG are reminded that the Special Members Meeting of Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group will take place on December 3rd 2014 at 7.00pm, just before our usual Monthly Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend the the meeting.