“Slice of Life Australia” will officially open their Sustainable Garden at 5 Knobblers Lane, Terara on Saturday 11 October 2014 at 11.00 am. The Sustainable Garden will provide a range of fantastic vocational training oportunities for young people with disabilities in the Shoalhaven. This unique centre will not only provide work opportunities for the disabled, it will also provide a range of sustainabley produced food items for the people of the Shoalhaven area.
The Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group has been officially invited to the opening ceremony on Saturday, 11 October, as an acknowledgement of the support our organisation has provided to the “Slice of Life”, particularly their North Nowra cafe. SBUG members not only frequent the “Slice of Life” for coffee and cake after rides, we have also donated a shade sail for their outdoor eating area. Our SBUG hard working treasurer, Judi Puru, is also a highly respected volunteer at the cafe.
On Saturday 11 October, SBUG member are encouraged to attend the opening ceremony. Regular Saturday morning riders,can assemble in the Woolworths Car Park at about 10.30am and rider out to Terara to help celebrate the grand opening of the “Slice of Life – Sustainable Garden”.
The Shoalhaven Bicycle User Group congratulates “Slice of Life Australia” on the opening of their Sustainable Garden.